Subramanian Ramanathan

Eve : Dr Kalam was proposed for Rashtrapathi.
I sent a mail congratulating him.
Also, post-scripted the mail that it was a honor and privilege for me to have studied at St Joseph’s.
Pat came the reply:
“It was nice to have studied with me”.
The missile man must have inferred that I studied during his time.
Clarified with another mail that I studied in early 80s.
The beloved people’s-president was much in demand to speak to youth and students.
Times of India Organized a career guidance seminar about 5 years ago.
The prominent amongst the guest speakers was Kalamji.
Kalamji was to address in the afternoon sessions at about 3.30 pm.
Sensing that there may be security checks and it may take time,
not to miss Kalamj’s address,
I took my daughter well in advance.
Security checks done, we went into the
Chinmaya Heritage Auditorium.
The breezy hall was almost full.
Fortunately just two seats were vacant.
The ToI  people ushered us to those two seats.
In the stage, Aishwarya Rajinikanth – scheduled to present her topic on cinematography as a profession just before Kalamji to address -– was at her best video-presenting her production –Sultan the Warrior.
So caring was people’spresident that, though he arrived well in time, lest people’s attention get diverted, he waited for Aishwarya to conclude her presentation.
Only after she completed he just walked in to loud applause and cheers welcoming him.
He last no time. Went straight to podium.
The host tried to please the enthusiastic audience to be seated and bring in silence.
The master professor said gently to the host,
“You must be tired hosting the seminar the whole day. You please take rest. I’ll handle the audience”.
So saying he took the microphone.
What a magic!
There was pin-drop silence.
All eyes were clued to Missile man.
Need I tell you, that he was his usual best.
Just about 10 minutes before his scheduled time to complete, not to disappoint the eagerly waiting youth, he opened up the question and answer session.
One boy wanted to know how he could develop his English skills, having studied in mother tongue throughout his school days.
Professor Kalam replied that he had a very good EnglishTeacher in St.Joseph's.
I wondered why Kalamji did not elaborate how one can improve his English language skills.
Perhaps, the Professor was adept at honing, igniting the intelligence of the questioner.
The lesson which I surmise that Kalam wanted to tell this boy was that if you are earnestly looking forward to learn something, a language, you  yourself first find a right guru/sources to learn.