Monday, December 18, 2023

The Book ...just read

My favourite Author: Ruskin Bond
Accidental Coincidence: The day we were born on was 19 May.  The gap between years I leave it to your maths, 1934 - - - - 1962.

After an age and as we keep ageing, I just see no fun in holding age close to the chest.  Years ago, I accompanied a senior for branch audit of a corporate client. The senior hardly had any strand over his head. When we were getting ready in the morning, he would tell, " Hey, I don't have much time to comb. It's just a few arrangement of my strands overhead."

If you're damn serious, sincere and you love your work, the Author's advice is:
"...if my writing begins to bore me, it will certainly bore my readers."

And about criticism, his take:
In Bold letters:
Every writer must be prepared for some criticism. The greatest of writers haven't escaped it.

There may be healthy and constructive criticism, also there may be, more often than not, nasty ones too.

His spur:

" attention to the constructive one."

And for the nasty, his advice:

"... it's probably caused by envy (' sour grapes ') so laugh it off and get on with your work."

His words on how your words should be in your work, writings:

○keep it simple.
○don't add to the confusion that already exists.
○don't bother with difficult, complicated words.

He cautions:
"..cordinal vice of the writer,  is
The writer who tries to impress you with his vocabulary and convoluted sentences."

Would like wrapping this shortie with the senior Author's own fine touch:

" To read,
To write,
To be read;
The perfect combination."

Wish You happy writing.

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