Sunday, September 17, 2023

விநாயகர் துதி

அல்லல் போம் வல்வினை போம்
அன்னை வயிற்றில் பிறந்த தொல்லைபோம்
போகாத் துயரம் போம் - நல்ல
குணம் அதிகமாம் அருணைக் கோபுரத்துள் மேவும்
கணபதியைக் கைத்தொழுதக் கால்.

- விவேக சிந்தாமணி

Tiruvannamalai has the magnet.
Magnet to attract all Seekers -
Bhagavan Ramana, on hearing the
Name Arunachala, 
The Lord ruling here, 
Craved to reach this holy kshetra.

The beginning of clarity
Starts the moment you
Put your first step
Inside the Mahadwara -
Skyward Tower -
கோபுர தரிசனம் கோடி புண்ணியம்.
When you look at the top kalasa,
You go into yoga.
It's not just worship -
But an activation of neck movement.
Neck gets a good excercise.

As any good beginning starts 
With obeisance to Vigna Vinayaga,
The Lord blesses you from the
Wall on the left side
As you walk into the

This psalm is an offering
To the Lord Vinayaga here in
This Tower.

One can see how Puranic is
This Temple.
Also how far back this song
Was written. The beauty of விவேக சிந்தாமணி is we still do not know who the Author is. There were plethora of commentaries - பாஷயங்கள்.
As is the case with Vedas.

The Human soul seeks liberation -
Liberation from all our
Karmic - Karma of past, present and karma hereafter.

This very song is to liberate.
Liberation from 
அல்லல் - all troubles paining us;
அன்னை வயிற்றில் பிறந்த துன்பம் - the unbearable pain we gave when our Mothers went through to deliver us;

And May Lord Maha Ganapati enhance all our good deeds.

Om Ganapataye Namaha.

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