Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Thinking - as and when?

“How to be at peace now? By making peace with the present moment. The present moment is the field on which the game of life happens. It cannot happen anywhere else.” - Eckhart Tolle

The thoughts run riot.
Constant cacophony.
Press pause ⏸️.
You'll wonder
How many - thoughts -
are making real sense.
Mind may be a tool.
Use it when there arises a need.
Other times,
Its space is its toolbox.
Mind can be a good friend.
When not channelized right way,
And remains idle,
There's this adage,
'Idle mind is devil's workshop.'
Subtle difference
Idle and rest.
The former is letting it go astray.
The latter is a dhyan, meditation,
Still your thoughts.
You dissolve into a
State where it's absolutely still-
Thoughtless state.
A state full of bliss, 
You shine forth.

வாக்கும், மனமும் இல்லா மனோலயம் 
     தேக்கியே என்றன் சிந்தை தெளிவித்து ” 
                                    (விநாயகர் அகவல்) 
-  ஓளவையார்

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