Friday, September 1, 2023

Bhagavan arrives His Abode....

The day:

01st September, 1896.


Bhagavan arrives….

At His Abode ………

Abode of the Father

Lord Shiva,

Arunachala in



The space that

Stretches its

Compassionate arms to

Welcome and embrace

All Souls

Soaking in Bliss

And radiating

The same effulgence.


Any one in its


Could feel

Lightened of all

One’s burden,

Burden of



The touchdown space

Now is

Bhagavan’s Abode,

His Ashram.

May all be Blessed,


And here is,


Your own gift of

Soulful saying,

Nay, it’s not a


But an Empowerment.

Empowering a

Sincere seeker –

A Devotee –

To Seek.

Over to Bhagavan:


Bhagavan on

Characteristics of a jnani –

An Enlightened Soul:


“They are described in books, such as the Bhagavad Gita,

But we must bear in mind that

The jnani’s state is one

Which transcends the MIND.

It – the characteristics of a jnani –

Can not be described by the MIND.

Only SILENCE can correctly

Describe this State and

Characteristics –

Characteristics of a jnani.

SILENCE is more effective


So if SPEECH is effective,

How much more effective

Must be its original


Source beyond,

Transcending MIND.”

 ஓம் நமோ பகவதே ஸ்ரீரமணாய!







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