Saturday, November 25, 2023

Let Glaciers save tears

COP28: Melting glaciers reveal summit cop-outs -

☔ 🌧️

Rains have been lashing in Chennai for past about one month.

Though logging we still experience isn't as severe as in earlier years. This doesn't mean we give any ode to people at helm supposed to deal with civic issues.

How much water is saved is a perennial big ? - question.

But uncaring the eco balance and razing out the greenery, come change in season, we are headed for dog days. You can't expect any mercy from the ☀️ Sun Lord.

Time we do our bit from micro level to macro level to be of little eco friendly and concerned. That Glaciers melting in Arctic to Antarctica is not what happens far away.  Its impact would not spare even the remotest corner of the universe.

A pertinent question one may missile, what could I do from my individual  level and what difference would it make. Well the answer is in the old adage, 'little drops make an ocean.'  There are plethora of tiny activities, such as

Planting a tree in your garden or in an unused open space, saving electricity, water, recycling, reusing etc.  A reasonably grown tree can give free oxygen and lessen pollution.  The oxygen was scarce, remember during covid time, people were in queues to get the same.

Time for action and not cop-out.

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