Friday, December 29, 2023

Who am I? The simple question......Gateway to Infinity

30 Dec ....that year 1879,
Avatar day of Bhagavan.

144 years, the Jyoti He lit still brightens.
Simple questions:
Am I my body?
Am I my mind?
Am I my intellect?

For the lurking 'if not, then',  Bhagavan sets you on an answer seemingly simple, sorry did I say answer.  Oh no, It's yet another BIG QUESTION,  'WHO AM I?'.

Should as a seeker feel left lurched?

Read Bhagavan:

God and Guru only show you the to liberation.  But it's the seeker who himself/herself to walk the path.

God and Guru indeed are not different from one another. How what goes into the jaws of a tiger can not escape, so is one , who has even a fraction of the compassionate Glimpse of the Bhagavan, will ever be in the safe fold of Bhagavan.

Yet, the seeker himself/herself has to try the journey of liberation. A person by name Rama has to know by himself that he is Raman. How can any other telling him - that he is Raman - will make him aware of his name?

Pranam to Bhagavan.

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