Sunday, November 27, 2022

God.... the foody way

உடம்பினை முன்னம் இழுக்கென் றிருந்தேன்
உடம்பினுக் குள்ளே யுறுபொருள் கண்டேன்
உடம்புளே உத்தமன் கோயில்கொண் டான்என்று
உடம்பினை யானிருந் தோம்புகின் றேனே.

- திருமந்திரம் 

Takes me to 
Bhagavan's moment of
Death experience. 

In the process 
Ramana Maharishi asks, 
'Is the body 'I'?'


Answers as well, 
"The body dies. 
But the spirit doesn't. 
It transcends.... 
This means
I'm the 
Deathless Spirit."

கவியரசர் கூறியது
நினைவில் நிழலாடுகிறது. 

" எந்த நிலையிலும் எனக்கு 
மரணமில்லை. "

Who is there inside you? 
Are you away from God? 

The abode -
That's the body
Is the 
Sanctum -
Where reside
The God,  சாக்க்ஷாத். 

No need to emphasize 
How well one should care
One's own body. 

For,  the body's 
Purpose is to
Disburse the clouds
And let the
Lord dwelling 
Inside shine forth. 

How would you care the body? 
The food jumps first. 

Can we take any food 
Left,  right and centre? 

Your body is 
The Holy kshetra. 

So,  the first No
Is to meat. 
For your body is not the 
Dumping yard
For dead animals. 
Besides,  the pain
That the meaty animal 
Undergoes while slaughter 
Would haunt and add
To doshas. 

Your murmuring knocks
My earlobes, 
"can I then take all vegetables?".

The answer is -
In order that 
The food you 
Consume facilitates 
Your Godliness -
There are certain vegetables 
To avoid. 

What are they? 

Heard of Jain food?

They are devoid of 
Onion and 

These two fall in the tamasic -
Mode of ignorance - category. 
These have an adverse effects 
On our consciousness. 
Clouds our intelligence 
And keeps us

Have more Jain food 
Be Godly. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Why worry?

Why worry

Worries are like birds,

let them fly over you.
But don't make them build a nest on your head.

-   Martin Lutherking.

A celebrity author was die-hard in willing to listen only lectures of winners. Considered nothing  about spiritual talks.

One day his friend invited him to a discourse by a monk from India. 

Our author friend shrugged. 
But the friend was a stitapragya - dead determined to take the author to monk's discourse.  The author relented on a stipulation that the friend would offer him drink session post the discourse. Friend agreed. 

Far from drink the reason why our author relented was because of Monk's profile. Monk was an alumnus of IIT-Mumbai, considered an MIT in India. 

Hitherto the author used to interact only with topnotch CEOs,  Successful leaders. 

First time now he was to listen to a clean shaven monk, who has given up and renounced in his prime of youth - just about in his thirties. 

As the Monk progressed in the discourse,  our author friend went keen and totally absorbed. 

I don't want to hold the suspense who the author was.  He is Jay Shetty, author of 'Think Like a Monk'. 

An excerpt from him:

"My whole life I'd been fascinated by people who'd gone from nothing to something - rags-to-riches stories.  I was in the presence of someone who'd done deliberately the opposite.  He'd given up the life the world had told me we should all want.  But instead of being an embittered failure,  he appears joyous,  confident and at peace.  In fact,  he seemed happier than anyone I'd ever met.  At the age of eighteen,  I had encountered a lot of people who were rich.  I'd listened to a lot of people who were famous, strong,  good-looking,  or all the three.  But I don't think I'd met anyone who was truly happy."

Dale Carnegie used to make a distinction between worry and concern. You can be concerned about an issue and with your leadership skills, you may try riddling out and bring about an agreeable and positive solution. But worry kills. Analytics is the buzz word in business and IT industry. Take analytics beyond. And you can feel yourself that the worry is a really  vacuum, getting you nowhere but rather keeping you stagnated, suffocated and robbing you full of your energy. 

You may have come across a flow chart by yet another Monk,  Monk Gaur Gopaldas. 

He asks you two questions :

1. Do you have a problem? 
2. Then why worry? 

Coincidentally the second question is answer in itself.

If your answer to q 1 is affirmative,  the next question follows suit. That is Can you do something about it . If you say yes, the answer takes you to question 2. Why worry. 

If you say no also -  that you can't do anything is no also,  then also the answer is q. 2 Why worry. 

Feel You are a unique jewel that God has brought you here about to waft positive vibes. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Let noble thoughts come from all sides...

Years ago
I went into a shop
All mobile phones
And paraphernalia. 

My mission:
To buy a new charger. 

The counter walla
Tendered me a box
Containing the charger. 

Literally the descriptions
In micro fonts were
In myriad lingos
But English. 

Looking at my
Baffled look, 
The vendor explained,
"Sir,  it's China made."

I was at complete loss. 
Couldn't this simple 
Piece be manufactured
In India? 

By the way
We can determine 
To shun all things
But in the Nation of 
Rig Veda, 
- 'Let noble thoughts come 
From all the sides.' -
Won't we be at loss, 
If we don't cherish
Good sayings, 
Proverbs et al
From the shores of China. 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

பொன்னியின் செல்வன் Ver 1.0

பொன்னியின் செல்வன்

Version 1.0 by Maniratnam. 
The text demands dialogues - not like his other movies where these were just monosyllabic, probably the Director thought, would do. 

Dialogues, not of the modern day vernacular. 
Dialogues in the way they were spoken during those kingly eras. 

Many in their 40+s claim having read Kalki's magnum opus in the writer's own words. 

Maniratnam's massive work. 
Superb picturization.

I confess I have not yet read the Story in Kalki's own words. 

May be some intro by anyone who have read it may help you enjoy the movie well. 

But surely the movie version 1 by Maniratnam would be a teaser. And one day you would want to read the piece. 


Some random thoughts. 

We all love reading, watching historical stories. 

Ironically are we caring to preserve heritage?  Not in toto. But at least wherever we can. 

We can blame it on busy, hectic work life. 
Now technology seems to master the man rather than vice versa. No, it's not to mean: don't embrace technology. By all means you can. 

Still have your old tools. And don't chase them as museumpiece.

One e.g.

In our community, we had எழுத்தாணி  and well processed palm leaf. 

In our marriages, both the fathers of bride and groom write and seal the event as an affirmation   - இசைபிடிமானம்.  Till about two decades back this affirmation was written in Palm leaf using the writing tool, viz.,  எழுத்தாணி. 

With shifting to paper,  pre printed,  the fathers just have to fill their names and sign; let alone reading the contents. The Gen next would ask,  "what's எழுத்தாணி, even if not what's  இசைபிடிமானம்? ".

 If there are any seniors with skill to write using எழுத்தாணி in our community,  it's my prayers to them,  please teach the skill to Gen Next lest this uniqueness exclusive to our community fades into history. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Ram.... Ram

Ram Ram... 

The human memory is short and long. 


Maha Periyava referred to the poet Kabir Das -  in volume 3 தெய்வத்தின் குரல் - longing to get initiation and a sort of Mantropadesh,  kind of a syllable from his Guru Ramanand.

Though born as a Hindu, it's believed Kabirdas grew up in a Muslim family. Hence he was skeptic whether Mahan Ramanand would fulfil his wish to get Mantra initiation. 
He ventured to enact a tantrum. 

Every morning at Bhraama Muhurtam,  the time in the early morning 2 hours before Sunrise,  Mahan used to reach the river Ganga for the early morning bath. 

Kabir wanting to use this opportunity,  went and slept at the steps to Ganges. The time, being too early in the morning,  was pitch dark. Unable to notice Kabir sleeping on the steps,  Mahan inadvertently stepped on sleeping Kabir. To atone his mistake of stepping on Kabir and seek the pardon of Lord,  Mahan Ramanand called out,  "Ram,  Ram."

Kabir felt blessed and took Mahan's calling Ram,  Ram to be his initiation. 

When I read this,  my mind went into contemplation of how I  got to get Ram Ram  writing note books and first gave it to my Mother. 

It didn't strike me immediately how.  The reason for short of human memory.  Once the contemplation starts,  the mind doesn't rest until it finds out. 

The short of memory turns long and there you find out what you seek. 

On one morning of relaxation during Covid, I went to Sathyanarayana Temple at Srinivasan Street, West Mambalam.  There is a custom in that temple,  more exclusively at the Lord Hanuman Sanctum. When you have a prayer, shankalp to achieve a good aim,  to get redressed of your hardship in life and to succeed in good cause,  people offer at the feet of Lord Hanuman a picture chart. The picture chart carries the sketch of Lord Hanuman in tapas posture. People having prayer fill the chart writing 'Sri Ramajayam' Nama.  Once they fully fill it, they present the same at the feet of Lord Hanuman in this temple. 
On that particular Covid relaxation day, a lady devotee came to present the picture. Because of Covid restriction, the priest said,  "now accepting the picture is stopped till further directions from the Government."

Seeing the disappointment of the lady,  the priest said,  "you don't worry. There is a Rama Nama Manthir in Vinayagam Street, a few streets behind Ayodhya Mandapam. There you can offer the picture."

Somehow this Rama Nama Manthir got into my subconscious. Anything going into subconscious state is nature bound to churn and surface someday. 

That someday happened immediately after slowly the Covid new normal gradually turned back to its old normal. I shot off to the Rama Nama Manthir. I was directed to the second floor there. Wow! You see pictures of Swamijis, Lord Hanuman, engulfed by bundles and bundles tightly and neatly packed filling half the space in that floor from floor to ceiling. They explained these are all the Sri Rama Nama notebooks written by Bhakthas. And suggested if interested you may buy the RaMa Nama Notebook from the book stall in the first floor. 

The notebook carries 'Ram Ram' on the first line of page 1. They have books of varying numbers. Suppose you wish to write 1008 times Rama Nama, you can get. 1.08 lac times,  yes you have it. 

Even if I don't venture myself to write I thought it may help others and by being tiny tool to someone wishing to write Ram Nama,  and at least a bit of punya  would trickle down to me. So the first one I presented to my mother. 

She finished her 1.08 lac times writing Ram Nama. Seeing her doing it,  slowly the near and dear and a couple of relatives asked me to get note books for them also. 

Within about last two years, they all completed the mission writing Ram Nama and gave them to me for offering at Rama Manthir.

Last Ram Navami 2021, On behalf of all the champions I offered the books at the feet of Lord Ram and Hanuman there. 

Now I get more calls,  one relative's daughter from Singapore,  a craftsman's better half, the young nephew.....the list goes on..... And I wish it be so.... 

Writing Ram Nama,
Or for that any Lord's Name - Lord of your wish, 
There is focus of energy. 
The byproduct is peace and prayerfullnes. 

श्री राम राम रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्रनाम तत् तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने ॥


śrī rāma rāma rāmēti ramē rāmē manōramē ।
sahasranāma tat tulyaṁ rāmanāma varānanē ॥

English Meaning

Chanting Sri Rama’s name even once is equivalent to saying Vishnu Sahasranamam a thousand times (as Lord Shiva said to Parvati). Therefore, the advice is to chant at least this line if one cannot find the time to chant all of Vishnu Sahasranama.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

no stereotype

 Consistency is a virtue of an ass.

No thinking human being can be tied down to a view once expressed in the name of consistency. More important than consistency is responsibility.  A responsible person must learn to unlearn what he has learned.

- Emerson

Are you informed?

 "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed." 

~ Mark Twain

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Sanskrit - எந்த நிலையிலும் எனக்கு மரணமில்லை

Some people here having animosity, go to the extreme of tearing their vocal chords and shout, "Sanskrit is a dead language."

Let nature do its job:

Evaporate their cacophonies;
Depollute the noise elements 
Bio degrade 

To perpetuate the eternity of the language,


You may get surprised. 

Sanskrit isn't dead. 
Inversely She births many words in other languages, especially the Anglo,  European and our neighborhood Dravidians including our own mother tongue.  Many etymologies may not be so magnanimous and owe credit to Sanskrit. 

Don't bother. 
You will see its many offsprings or words having some tracing their roots or synchronization in Sanskrit. 

Some examples:

ஸ்தாபிதம் - Establishment
 பிரதம - prime
ப்ரக்ருதத்தில் - practically - நடைமுறையில். 

No wonder. 
In Kaviarasar Kannadasan's saying, there's no exclusivity to any language, to say him verbatim,  தனித் தமிழ் என்பதிலெல்லாம் எனக்கு உடன்பாடு இல்லை. 

அவர் அறியாததா?

No day passes out without listening to at least  a few lines of the Legendary Poet's songs in சுந்தரத் தமிழ். 

Can we wrap this up with Kavignar's mesmerizing Sanskrit song:

அமர ஜீவிதம் சுவாமி அமுத வாசகம்

பதித பாவனம் சுவாமி பக்த சாதகம்

முரளி மோகனம் சுவாமி அசுர மர்த்தனம்

கீத போதகம்  ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ண மந்திரம்


நளின தெய்வதம் சுவாமி மதன ரூபகம்

நாக நர்த்தனம் சுவாமி மான வஸ்திரம்

பஞ்ச சேவகம் சுவாமி பாஞ்ச சன்னியம்

கீத போதகம்  ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ண மந்திரம்


ஸத்திய பங்கஜம் சுவாமி அந்திய புஷ்பகம்

சர்வ ரக்ஷகம் சுவாமி தர்ம தத்துவம்

ராத பந்தனம் சுவாமி ராஸ லீலகம்

கீத போதகம்  ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ண மந்திரம்





Sunday, August 21, 2022

Om Shanthi, Shanthi hi..

Are you easily perturbed? 

When someone -
either at family, professional space
Or anywhere in general -
Commands you -
Legitimately or not -
Do you feel angry? 

Or inversely 
When you command any one -
In the same order, 
In family, professional spaces
Or anywhere else -
Legitimately or not 
And the other doesn't seem 
To even heed,  
Forget obeying,
Are you hurt? 

Calm down 
It will dawn on
That we are still in the 
Tight grip of our EGO. 

Not to mean
We must compromise. 
Rather it leads to the 

Has our approach been right? 
Where do we go wrong? 

Thus you amend. 

Not just it. 
Your analysis transcends. 


Are bigger bubbles on the surface. 
The bigger force keeps pulling 
Gradually to
Reach the very force. 

There cease all your questions. 
And you revel in 
The Eternal Bliss. 

karma theory..... and practice too..

This day... That year
21st Aug 2011

Exactly this day that year. 
Eleven years rolled down. 
A friend shared a passage from Mahatma. 
That Mahatma stressing on need to speak what you feel as true and right, even when the whole world stand against you. 

I shared it with my senior Colleague at the NBFC I was working a few years before that. 

Then ensued a his comment and my entailing lengthy feedbacks. Forgive errors, spelling or grammatic.  

Just reproduce the same. Tinkered where I felt it expedient. 

Here goes

My senior colleague:

how much of delay is tollarable ? there was one famous builder  in chennai, who was more famous for sticking to rules, who were also firm that they will not pay bribe to cmda to get plan approval, not pay bribe to metro water to get water and sewerage connections, not pay bribe to mes to get electrical connections and thay were made to wait for 10 to 12 months by these departments. but the builder had to pay rental compensation to the buyers of their flats for such delays. you know the current financial standing of that builder? THEY HAVE GONE BANKRUPT ! HOW MANY LIKE THIS ? the government departments are so powerful, they can killllll you softly and silently.

My rejoinders:

May the soul of the Builder corporate rest in peace.  My salutes to them.  Well, it may look those, who grease the palms, may seem thriving, kicking and live.  Do you think their conscience lets them be in peace?

I believe in the Brahadaranyak Upanishad's saying:  "You are what your deep driving desire is; as is your desire, so is your WILL; as is your will, so is your deed; AS IS YOUR DEED, SO IS YOUR DESTINY"

from my previous 2 messages, you may pose a question, "are you a holy cow?".  My answer is I would try my best to be.   I had a dire occassion, where I had no other go but to grease the palm.  The occassion was when I took our driver who met with an accident to Royappettah Hospital about a decade ago.  He got hit by the pole dug by EB and he tore his left leg down the knee.  To get him admitted and start the treatment, the shylocks even to bring out the stretcher and take him in demanded Rs.400/-.  I coughed out.  In my career, I advise my clients implications and make them aware for the need as far as possible to go by law.  Thank God, till date I didn't come across a bad case to defend before authorities.  Petty greasings I did and that too no fault of ours but b'caz of the unwritten norms.  I feel bad for all these.  By the Upanishads, my fate may punish me for these, if not in this janma, some day.  I'm mentally prepared for the worse.  At the same time, I had occassions to take the bulls by horn when they tried to armtwist me, abusing their kursi and power.  I succeeded in these and that give me a hope to stand up for the right. I shall not cease trying.

Kaviarasar Kannadasan and Mahatma Gandhi were great avatars. To love them, you have plenty of reasons. I like them for two reasons:  first for their forthrightness and not holding anything close to their chest - I salute their deep concern that their followers should have lessons in their personal follies; second for their coming forward to make amends when they felt what they did were wrong.

அனுபவமே கடவுள்

அனுபவமே கடவுள்
 கிரி உரு ஆகிய கிருபைக் கடலே
கிருபை கூர்ந்து அருள்வாய் அருணாசலா!

One devotee suffered in life endlessly. 

He decided to seek way out from none other than Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi Himself. So he set out to visit the Asram. 

There the Bhagavan was in mauna, silence. 

The devotee couldn't help. Shot out his query to Bhagavan.

Listen to their conversation.

D : Bhagavan, can't you change the destiny of the suffering Bhakthas? 

Bhagavan laughed. And went on to answer. 

B : For a sage who renounced all, how does the question of thinking arise? 

D : Then what  happens to our fate?  It's in the firm belief that you will nullify our pains,  that we all pray before you. Is our prayer of no use? 

Compassionate Bhagavan answered. 

B : When you are in the presence of an enlightened sage,  your karmic burden lightens. His mere presence suffices. The sage doesn't have to do anything. Just the Sage's presence will do. He even doesn't have to do anything. The destiny of the Bhakthas change for good on its own. They feel the soul enlivening experience. Peace prevails. 

The conversation reminded of Kaviarasar Kannadasan's song:

அனுபவமே கடவுள்

பிறப்பின் வருவது யாதெனக் கேட்டேன்
பிறந்து பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
படிப்பெனச் சொல்வது யாதெனக் கேட்டேன்
படித்துப் பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
அறிவெனச் சொல்வது யாதெனக் கேட்டேன்
அறிந்து பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
அன்பெனப் படுவது என்னெனக் கேட்டேன்
அளித்துப் பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
பாசம் என்பது யாதெனக் கேட்டேன்
பகிர்ந்து பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
மனையாள் சுகமெனில் யாதெனக் கேட்டேன்
மணந்து பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
பிள்ளை என்பது யாதெனக் கேட்டேன்
பெற்றுப் பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
முதுமை என்பது யாதெனக் கேட்டேன்
முதிர்ந்து பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
வறுமை என்பது என்னெனக் கேட்டேன்
வாடிப் பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
இறப்பின் பின்னது ஏதெனக் கேட்டேன்
இறந்து பாரென இறைவன் பணித்தான்!
'அனுபவித்தேதான் அறிவது வாழ்க்கையெனில்
ஆண்டவனே நீ ஏன்' எனக் கேட்டேன்!
ஆண்டவன் சற்றே அருகு நெருங்கி
'அனுபவம் என்பதே நான்தான்' என்றான்!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Shrine - Matru Bhudeshwar

The Shrine,
"Matru Bhudeshwar".
Year 1922.

Consecrated over
The space
Where Bhagavan's 
Ma Alagamma 
Was confined 
For Her Eternal rest. 

Sad over Her
Trials and travails
To get back 
The Son, 
Venkataraman -
Bhagavan Ramana 

All through Ma's
Bhagavan stayed firm. 
And He was in 
Absolute silence, 

One devotee, 
Unable to bear
Ma's pain and anguish 
In not being able to 
Convince Son 
To get back home,
Approached Bhagavan
And pleaded to
Consider Ma's wish. 

As Bhagavan was in
The devotee handed
A palm leaf - 
The writing material, 
Stationery those days 
Along with a
Sharp writing tool, 
Called in Tamil, 
Ezhuthani -  எழுத்தாணி. 
It's sort in A plank, 
Where on one side you 
Have a sharp tool, 
And on the other a
Steel blade. 
It's a foldable like laptop. 
Sharp tool can close on
One side of the plank
And the blade on the other. 

Coming back to Devotee's pleading -
Carrying Ma's wish to get Her Son
Back home -,
It's here the Bhagavan wrote, 
Popularly quoted quite often,

"The Ordainer controls the fate of souls in accordance with their past deeds. Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try how hard you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to stop it. This is certain."

"அவரவர் ப்ராரப்தப் பிரகாரம் அதற்கானவன் ஆங்காங்கிருந்து ஆட்டுவிப்பன்.  என்றும் நடவாதது, 
என் முயற்சிக்கினும்  நடவாது. நடப்பது என் தடை செய்யினும் நில்லாது.  இதுவே திண்ணம். ஆகலின் மௌனமாயிருக்கை நன்று."

Friday, August 5, 2022

God.... hide and seek

The question persists, 
Persists eternally.
In the minds of all, 
From Naren -
Before he turned 
Swami Vivekanand
Whether you utter
You believe in Him,
Or believe not. 

Is He/She a
Or an 

Listen to a conversation 
Between an ardent devotee

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi

D:   Like Ramakrishna Paramahansa,  can one speak to God? 

M:  When we can speak to each other, the same way, why speaking to God isn't possible? 

D:  Then,  why aren't we able to do so? 

M: For that,  one needs to be clear headed and have  strong mind!  Plus practice of Dhyan - meditation! 

D: As you say,  if one is,  will God appear - பிரத்யக்ஷமாவாரா? 

M: Yes.
It's as real as your existence is. 

In conscious state, as you see your body you can see many things, objects around. 

In dream,  you perceive things. 

In trance - sushupti, you transcend and don't see anything at all. 

Whatever is seen is indeed in relation to who sees that. So is God! 

When you practice dhyan for long periods,  the God you meditate upon  surely comes in your dream. Then in your conscious state too. 

What all you need to do is
To ask 
To whom
Does God present Himself. 

Thus asking 
Turn your mind inwards 
And reach the
Root - மூலம். 

When you so reach,  questions - will God appear - will never arise. 

ஓம் நமோ பகவதே ஸ்ரீ ரமணாய!

Monday, July 4, 2022

the way opens

Be +ve 
"Universe always makes way for the one who is positive and determined. If you don't give up all obstacles give in."

- Om Swami in his title Kundalini,  an untold story. 


Life is a game.

If you look at a glass half full, it's half full. 
You come to a clarity how you can make it whole. 

You find the way. 
The way opens. 
The beauty of journey happens. 

"Your heart knows the way. 
🏃 run in that direction."

- Rumi. 

Am I sounding philosophical?! 

The way up-to a Rose is thorny. 
I don't deny it. 
But can the thorn hold you back,
Your indomitable spirit?

Just take away 
Palms cupping your eyes. 
And see the world 
So shining 
So bright. 

There are live wire real life heroes to inspire. 

May Almighty handhold you 
Bless you 
And enjoy the journey. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Maha Sakthi ... all WITHIN

Any sthal, 
Kshetra of
Lord Hanuman,
Son of celestial 
Maha Rani 
Mata Anjana 
Swell with 

It's more 
Than prayer. 

Who doesn't 
Anjana Puthra?!

Lord Hanuman 
Is mega power -
Maha Sakthi. 

Do you know? 
All who love,
Lord Hanuman,
Are blessed Souls, 
Booned with 
As enormous 
Power - Sakthi. 

The secret lies
In realizing 
True Reality, 

The reality is 
Great Energy -
The Kundalini in a 
Nutshell -
Your primal Energy,
Creative Force -

Om Swami refers to 
In his treatise -
An untold story -
Waking you 
Up-to your 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Seek your answer within...

Seek your answer within...

Seek your answer within... 



In millions,
In myriad shapes. 

We seek answers beyond
Irony is 
We don't transcend, 
We don't transcend. 

Transcend what... 
The ruffian mind. 

The beauty is 


With all force
In all certainty 
And invariably 

Out of, 

you can certainly
Though not visibly. 

But in all subtlities.

In wrapping up his -

Shunmyo Masuno's  ZEN-
Foreword :


Postscript :

Shunmyo Masuno,
Head priest in a 450 years old
Zena Buddhist temple in Japan. 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Would you love an Orchard ?

Hot it's. 

Remove more 🌲 trees. 
You can melt more bones. 
May know what a furnace is like. 

For God's sake 
Your posterity's sake

If you wish 
To reverse it, 

Rush to nearest 
Horticultural society. 

Each one, 
Yes every single one, 
Get a sapling, 
Plant it, 
Nurture it.

You will have branches 
Spreading their wings. 
You'll have nature's 
Air conditioning. 
You'll host all
Flying species -
Ranging from 
Ubiquitous crows always caw-cawing,
Speedsters squirrels, 
Chirping Parrots, 
Colorful Butterflies -
All doing their karma-dharma, 
Pollinating sans seeking 
Any rewards. 

"A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible.”

― Welsh proverb

Saturday, April 16, 2022

The journey.... within....a dedication to self styled தமிழ்க் காவலர்கள்

நானென் றெழுமிட மேதென நாடவுண் 
  ணான்றலை சாய்ந்திடு முந்தீபற 
ஞான விசாரமி துந்தீபற. 

- பகவான் ரமண மகரிஷி. 

- உபதேச உந்தியார்,  v19.

மாற்று மொழிகளெல்லாம் -
குறிப்பாக ஹிந்தியும், சமஸ்கிருதமும் -
வேண்டாம்.  நாங்கள் தமிழ்க் காவலர்கள். 
எங்கள் குழந்தைகள் உலகளாவிய வாய்ப்புகள் பெற்று சிறப்புறாமல் குண்டு சுட்டிக்கு உள்ளேயே குதிரை ஓட்டினாலும் பரவாயில்லை - என்றெல்லாம் பகர்கிற தமிழ்க் காவலர்களுக்கு நமது தாழ்மையான கேள்வி. 

சவால் என வேண்டுமானாலும் எடுத்துக் கொள்ளட்டும். 

பகவானின் மேற்சொன்ன பாடலுக்கு பொருள் கூறட்டும். ஐயா தாங்கள் தமிழ் மொழி,  அதன் வளர்ச்சியின் பால் - சைவ நால்வர்கள்,  நாயன்மார், ஆழ்வார்கள் அனைவவரையும் காட்டிலும் - அதீத அக்கறை உடையவர்கள் என்று உளமாற ஒப்புக் கொண்டு சிரம் தாழ்த்தி வணங்குகிறோம்.

Let's conserve energy and save time.
Explanation is not required to those who really care. And no amount of explaining would be enough to diehard aversion creators. 

The succinct of Bhagavan's above verse:

When you seek within 
Where the 'I' thought, 
i. e.,  ego arises, 
There you see the 
Very dissolving of
The very thought 'I' - ego. 
Thus begins
Your journey of 
Atma vichara - 
delving deep within, 
The journey toward
Knowing what your true 
Self is. 

Call it as you may wish -

May you revel in Bliss. 
God bless. 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

12:00....24:00 As it begins in the end... and a little about hand phone

The time is at dot. 

The big hand hides the small one. 

Is it 12:00?

Or 24:00?

Is it the end? 


The beginning? 

March is bidding adieu. 
April is born. 

From taxman's parlance 
One Assessment year -
Taxman loves to assess, -
Gives way to a new one. 

For a businessman,
It's end of a Financial year
And the beginning of a new one. 

I'm unusually awake. 
A client called up to help him 
Comply with his tax filing by the 
Time the clock ticks 12:00,
Sorry the day 31st Mar ends. 

Hence did that and to wrap up 
Picked up குமுதம் 
And finished reading Malan's 
This week's writing. 

மாலன் சொல்வதே,  sorry,  
எழுதுவதே ஓர் அழகு. 

Some nuggets from his writing :

Tom Thumb loved to visit India. Didn't have much money to do the travel. Literally walked,  and wherever possible by asking for lifts,  he could reach India. He titled his book this way: "Hand-to-mouth-to-India".

His other book: "Bozo and the story teller ".

He had a startling imagination that one day the mobile phone will have teeth and bite the user's ear. 

Well talking of mobile one, 

Does anyone bother to know who first created this ubiquitous device?  

The debate is not yet over. 
Whether mobile, or hand 
As Americans would love to call it,  
phone is bane or boon? 

Let's first know who it was.

Martin Cooper. 
Let's say a big hai to him. 
On positive side, 
 hand phone indeed is handy. 

Also it's worthwhile to
listen to Cooper on using the device. 

He says, 
TO IT. "

Monday, March 14, 2022

Pure Intelligence at work... 24x7

Bhaktha - It is hard to conceive of God, the formless, giving rise to form.

Bhagavan. - Why hard? Does not your mind remain formless when you do not perceive or think, say, in deep sleep, in samadhi, or in a swoon? And does it not create space and relationship when it thinks and impels your body to act? Just as your mind devises and your body executes in one homogeneous, automatic act, so automatic, in fact, that most people are not aware of the process, so does the Divine Intelligence devise and plan and His Energy automatically and spontaneously acts - the thought and the act are one integral whole. This Creative Energy which is implicit in Pure Intelligence is called by various names, one of which is Maya or Shakti, the Creator of forms or images.

(From 'Guru Ramana', Part 2) 

This Bhagavan's answer answers what pulls devotees during His time and beyond from all the corners of the world. 

Couple of days back my classmate called me from Bangalore. 

He said he came to hear about Maharishi since class 8.  During our time at St.  Joseph's we would have discussed a lot.  But never once did he talk to me about Bhagavan.

Until I  had a chance visit to Tiruvannamalai about two decades ago for the first ever time,  I just heard of Ttiruvannamalai only. But never knew there was Bhagavan's ashram. 

Those days there were no milling crowd. 
The shrine inside the ashram was serene. 
Someone murmured it's Mathrubhutheswar's sanctum Sanctorum where Bhagavan's mother was laid to eternal rest. I entered the front part of the shrine.  On the right was Bhagavan's bust size statue. Just a little ahead on the right and on the front wall of the sanctorum, a white cloth screen banner was kept.  In that a long message in English was written. 

First ever time just out of college and still struggling to pick and piece together whatever little grip over this British left over,  I could manage to read from word one to the last of the lengthy message. 

Here is Bhagavan's narrative of His Atma vichara,  questioning Himself of,  "Who am I?".
Though I could manage to read the message, comprehension was far beyond. Yet,  some intuition kept me feeling that there should be some quintessence there in Bhagavan's message. 

Also I didn't know about Girivalam during my first visit. 

It took almost about 5 years later I heard about Girivalam and tried to go as many times as possible. It was only on these repeat visits somehow with Bhagavan's grace I could get a glimpse of Bhagavan's asking of Who am I. 

It's the pure Intelligence of God at work. 

May we All have the fortunes of Bhagavan's blessings. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Change, inevitable


Dear Friend Prof. Rajendran is used to greet every morning with a nice good morning message. 

Osho quotes a story. In his book titled "Astrology."  His mischievous tagline to the title : "superstition, blind faith,  or a door to the essential? ".

Mullah Nasruddin was miserable and all in penury.  All his villagers knew his pitiable condition.  

Suddenly one day Nasruddin appeared unusually very cheerful and happy.  Not that his conditions changed for good. 

Villagers were wondering  what in the whole world could have made him happy suddenly. 

Some dared to question Mullah himself for the reason. 

Know what Mullah said?

"I have learned to cooperate with the inevitable.  After many years of struggling,  I have realized something.  I have decided that what must be,  must be.  Now I cooperate with the inevitable,  so there is no reason to be miserable.  Now I am happy."

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Paropakaram Artham Idam Shareeram

Paropakaram Artham Idam Shareeram

परोपकार इदम् शरीर

This is an Ancient shloka that means Our body is meant for Helping others without expecting anything in return.

The above slogan is the tagline of The Hindu Mission Hospital which you may see on your left as you enter from southern part of the state into this மதராஸப் பட்டணம், City of Madras a.k.a Chennai. 

Ever since I read this line,  ....

A question keeps echoing, in what way am I, having this bulky  देहा, தேஹ், useful. 

And in reading தெய்வத்தின் குரல்,  little by little,  there are certain take aways all across the volumes. 

One gem saying:

Maha Periyava :

"do at least one good thing a day."

My piece today is a tiny attempt to pay our tribute by sharing this news clipping from New Indian Express on our unsung heroes. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

What helps?


What helps?




To have the solution, …. truly working solution,

Should one not look for what works to cure the disease itself and not just treat the symptom?

Where is the solution?


Yes, the ultimate solution,

What, East for aeons calls, “the moksha” –

Where you truly liberate,

The cycle of –

Punarabi jananam,

Punarabi maranam



Ceases completely,

Yes once and for all.

How does one attain it?

Transcend mind.


“Psychology does not believe in the soul of man.”

He goes blunt, calling a spade spade:

“Psychology believes that mind is a by-product of the body, and the people who have not                   even inquired beyond the mind into the SOUL of man are making statements which are                 absolute lies.”

Transcend mind.


                “East has been concerned not with the mind, but something BEYOND MIND.”


Back to the question, how does one attain it?

Fuketsu, the Zen monk was asked,

“Even without the practice of Zen, may we certainly attain budhahood?”.

Blunt again, Osho shoots back, “An absurd question”.

What is Zen?

The dhyan in Sanskrit.

Looks like, as yet, English has not adopted the word, dhyan.

Its nearest equivalent, nay, somewhat close is meditation.

Zhan it became when it moved to Buddhist language, Pali.

Chan in China.

And Zen in Japan.

Way out:

Bhagavan Ramana : “vichara

Vichara, i.e., enquiry.

Enquire where?

Nowhere externally.

Where else?

But, to turn inward.

Closing your eyes.

Sitting in sukhasana, in a comfortable posture.

On the surface, the bubbles,

The bubbles of thoughts are highly visible.

Will bubbles stay the same way?


It’s bound to dwindle, dwindle

Until it merges in the depth of the Ocean,

the Eternity.


Experience it.

Words are poor carrier to communicate

The Experience –

The Bliss,

Totally different from ephemeral pleasures.

Should you share,

Share Experience?

Will it be understood?

The thirsty has to drink himself.

But you can help.

Budha can point his finger towards moon

And show moon to real seeker.

Look should be to Moon

And not just stop at the finger pointing the Moon.

Why Share?


There is an urgent need

Need to make the whole

Earth Green.

Need to oxygenate.

To battle all

Pandemic today

Pandemic tomorrow.





And all species

Have to make a revisit.

Revisit and befriend

Burgeoning humanity.