Sunday, November 27, 2022

God.... the foody way

உடம்பினை முன்னம் இழுக்கென் றிருந்தேன்
உடம்பினுக் குள்ளே யுறுபொருள் கண்டேன்
உடம்புளே உத்தமன் கோயில்கொண் டான்என்று
உடம்பினை யானிருந் தோம்புகின் றேனே.

- திருமந்திரம் 

Takes me to 
Bhagavan's moment of
Death experience. 

In the process 
Ramana Maharishi asks, 
'Is the body 'I'?'


Answers as well, 
"The body dies. 
But the spirit doesn't. 
It transcends.... 
This means
I'm the 
Deathless Spirit."

கவியரசர் கூறியது
நினைவில் நிழலாடுகிறது. 

" எந்த நிலையிலும் எனக்கு 
மரணமில்லை. "

Who is there inside you? 
Are you away from God? 

The abode -
That's the body
Is the 
Sanctum -
Where reside
The God,  சாக்க்ஷாத். 

No need to emphasize 
How well one should care
One's own body. 

For,  the body's 
Purpose is to
Disburse the clouds
And let the
Lord dwelling 
Inside shine forth. 

How would you care the body? 
The food jumps first. 

Can we take any food 
Left,  right and centre? 

Your body is 
The Holy kshetra. 

So,  the first No
Is to meat. 
For your body is not the 
Dumping yard
For dead animals. 
Besides,  the pain
That the meaty animal 
Undergoes while slaughter 
Would haunt and add
To doshas. 

Your murmuring knocks
My earlobes, 
"can I then take all vegetables?".

The answer is -
In order that 
The food you 
Consume facilitates 
Your Godliness -
There are certain vegetables 
To avoid. 

What are they? 

Heard of Jain food?

They are devoid of 
Onion and 

These two fall in the tamasic -
Mode of ignorance - category. 
These have an adverse effects 
On our consciousness. 
Clouds our intelligence 
And keeps us

Have more Jain food 
Be Godly. 

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