Sunday, November 6, 2022

Why worry?

Why worry

Worries are like birds,

let them fly over you.
But don't make them build a nest on your head.

-   Martin Lutherking.

A celebrity author was die-hard in willing to listen only lectures of winners. Considered nothing  about spiritual talks.

One day his friend invited him to a discourse by a monk from India. 

Our author friend shrugged. 
But the friend was a stitapragya - dead determined to take the author to monk's discourse.  The author relented on a stipulation that the friend would offer him drink session post the discourse. Friend agreed. 

Far from drink the reason why our author relented was because of Monk's profile. Monk was an alumnus of IIT-Mumbai, considered an MIT in India. 

Hitherto the author used to interact only with topnotch CEOs,  Successful leaders. 

First time now he was to listen to a clean shaven monk, who has given up and renounced in his prime of youth - just about in his thirties. 

As the Monk progressed in the discourse,  our author friend went keen and totally absorbed. 

I don't want to hold the suspense who the author was.  He is Jay Shetty, author of 'Think Like a Monk'. 

An excerpt from him:

"My whole life I'd been fascinated by people who'd gone from nothing to something - rags-to-riches stories.  I was in the presence of someone who'd done deliberately the opposite.  He'd given up the life the world had told me we should all want.  But instead of being an embittered failure,  he appears joyous,  confident and at peace.  In fact,  he seemed happier than anyone I'd ever met.  At the age of eighteen,  I had encountered a lot of people who were rich.  I'd listened to a lot of people who were famous, strong,  good-looking,  or all the three.  But I don't think I'd met anyone who was truly happy."

Dale Carnegie used to make a distinction between worry and concern. You can be concerned about an issue and with your leadership skills, you may try riddling out and bring about an agreeable and positive solution. But worry kills. Analytics is the buzz word in business and IT industry. Take analytics beyond. And you can feel yourself that the worry is a really  vacuum, getting you nowhere but rather keeping you stagnated, suffocated and robbing you full of your energy. 

You may have come across a flow chart by yet another Monk,  Monk Gaur Gopaldas. 

He asks you two questions :

1. Do you have a problem? 
2. Then why worry? 

Coincidentally the second question is answer in itself.

If your answer to q 1 is affirmative,  the next question follows suit. That is Can you do something about it . If you say yes, the answer takes you to question 2. Why worry. 

If you say no also -  that you can't do anything is no also,  then also the answer is q. 2 Why worry. 

Feel You are a unique jewel that God has brought you here about to waft positive vibes. 

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