Friday, August 5, 2022

God.... hide and seek

The question persists, 
Persists eternally.
In the minds of all, 
From Naren -
Before he turned 
Swami Vivekanand
Whether you utter
You believe in Him,
Or believe not. 

Is He/She a
Or an 

Listen to a conversation 
Between an ardent devotee

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharishi

D:   Like Ramakrishna Paramahansa,  can one speak to God? 

M:  When we can speak to each other, the same way, why speaking to God isn't possible? 

D:  Then,  why aren't we able to do so? 

M: For that,  one needs to be clear headed and have  strong mind!  Plus practice of Dhyan - meditation! 

D: As you say,  if one is,  will God appear - பிரத்யக்ஷமாவாரா? 

M: Yes.
It's as real as your existence is. 

In conscious state, as you see your body you can see many things, objects around. 

In dream,  you perceive things. 

In trance - sushupti, you transcend and don't see anything at all. 

Whatever is seen is indeed in relation to who sees that. So is God! 

When you practice dhyan for long periods,  the God you meditate upon  surely comes in your dream. Then in your conscious state too. 

What all you need to do is
To ask 
To whom
Does God present Himself. 

Thus asking 
Turn your mind inwards 
And reach the
Root - மூலம். 

When you so reach,  questions - will God appear - will never arise. 

ஓம் நமோ பகவதே ஸ்ரீ ரமணாய!

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