Sunday, August 21, 2022

karma theory..... and practice too..

This day... That year
21st Aug 2011

Exactly this day that year. 
Eleven years rolled down. 
A friend shared a passage from Mahatma. 
That Mahatma stressing on need to speak what you feel as true and right, even when the whole world stand against you. 

I shared it with my senior Colleague at the NBFC I was working a few years before that. 

Then ensued a his comment and my entailing lengthy feedbacks. Forgive errors, spelling or grammatic.  

Just reproduce the same. Tinkered where I felt it expedient. 

Here goes

My senior colleague:

how much of delay is tollarable ? there was one famous builder  in chennai, who was more famous for sticking to rules, who were also firm that they will not pay bribe to cmda to get plan approval, not pay bribe to metro water to get water and sewerage connections, not pay bribe to mes to get electrical connections and thay were made to wait for 10 to 12 months by these departments. but the builder had to pay rental compensation to the buyers of their flats for such delays. you know the current financial standing of that builder? THEY HAVE GONE BANKRUPT ! HOW MANY LIKE THIS ? the government departments are so powerful, they can killllll you softly and silently.

My rejoinders:

May the soul of the Builder corporate rest in peace.  My salutes to them.  Well, it may look those, who grease the palms, may seem thriving, kicking and live.  Do you think their conscience lets them be in peace?

I believe in the Brahadaranyak Upanishad's saying:  "You are what your deep driving desire is; as is your desire, so is your WILL; as is your will, so is your deed; AS IS YOUR DEED, SO IS YOUR DESTINY"

from my previous 2 messages, you may pose a question, "are you a holy cow?".  My answer is I would try my best to be.   I had a dire occassion, where I had no other go but to grease the palm.  The occassion was when I took our driver who met with an accident to Royappettah Hospital about a decade ago.  He got hit by the pole dug by EB and he tore his left leg down the knee.  To get him admitted and start the treatment, the shylocks even to bring out the stretcher and take him in demanded Rs.400/-.  I coughed out.  In my career, I advise my clients implications and make them aware for the need as far as possible to go by law.  Thank God, till date I didn't come across a bad case to defend before authorities.  Petty greasings I did and that too no fault of ours but b'caz of the unwritten norms.  I feel bad for all these.  By the Upanishads, my fate may punish me for these, if not in this janma, some day.  I'm mentally prepared for the worse.  At the same time, I had occassions to take the bulls by horn when they tried to armtwist me, abusing their kursi and power.  I succeeded in these and that give me a hope to stand up for the right. I shall not cease trying.

Kaviarasar Kannadasan and Mahatma Gandhi were great avatars. To love them, you have plenty of reasons. I like them for two reasons:  first for their forthrightness and not holding anything close to their chest - I salute their deep concern that their followers should have lessons in their personal follies; second for their coming forward to make amends when they felt what they did were wrong.

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