Monday, March 14, 2022

Pure Intelligence at work... 24x7

Bhaktha - It is hard to conceive of God, the formless, giving rise to form.

Bhagavan. - Why hard? Does not your mind remain formless when you do not perceive or think, say, in deep sleep, in samadhi, or in a swoon? And does it not create space and relationship when it thinks and impels your body to act? Just as your mind devises and your body executes in one homogeneous, automatic act, so automatic, in fact, that most people are not aware of the process, so does the Divine Intelligence devise and plan and His Energy automatically and spontaneously acts - the thought and the act are one integral whole. This Creative Energy which is implicit in Pure Intelligence is called by various names, one of which is Maya or Shakti, the Creator of forms or images.

(From 'Guru Ramana', Part 2) 

This Bhagavan's answer answers what pulls devotees during His time and beyond from all the corners of the world. 

Couple of days back my classmate called me from Bangalore. 

He said he came to hear about Maharishi since class 8.  During our time at St.  Joseph's we would have discussed a lot.  But never once did he talk to me about Bhagavan.

Until I  had a chance visit to Tiruvannamalai about two decades ago for the first ever time,  I just heard of Ttiruvannamalai only. But never knew there was Bhagavan's ashram. 

Those days there were no milling crowd. 
The shrine inside the ashram was serene. 
Someone murmured it's Mathrubhutheswar's sanctum Sanctorum where Bhagavan's mother was laid to eternal rest. I entered the front part of the shrine.  On the right was Bhagavan's bust size statue. Just a little ahead on the right and on the front wall of the sanctorum, a white cloth screen banner was kept.  In that a long message in English was written. 

First ever time just out of college and still struggling to pick and piece together whatever little grip over this British left over,  I could manage to read from word one to the last of the lengthy message. 

Here is Bhagavan's narrative of His Atma vichara,  questioning Himself of,  "Who am I?".
Though I could manage to read the message, comprehension was far beyond. Yet,  some intuition kept me feeling that there should be some quintessence there in Bhagavan's message. 

Also I didn't know about Girivalam during my first visit. 

It took almost about 5 years later I heard about Girivalam and tried to go as many times as possible. It was only on these repeat visits somehow with Bhagavan's grace I could get a glimpse of Bhagavan's asking of Who am I. 

It's the pure Intelligence of God at work. 

May we All have the fortunes of Bhagavan's blessings. 

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