Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Paropakaram Artham Idam Shareeram

Paropakaram Artham Idam Shareeram

परोपकार इदम् शरीर

This is an Ancient shloka that means Our body is meant for Helping others without expecting anything in return.

The above slogan is the tagline of The Hindu Mission Hospital which you may see on your left as you enter from southern part of the state into this மதராஸப் பட்டணம். 

Ever since I read this line,  ....

A question keeps echoing, in what way am I, having this bulky  देहा, தேஹ், useful. 

And in reading தெய்வத்தின் குரல்,  little by little,  there are certain take aways all across the volumes. 

One gem saying:

Maha Periyava :

"do at least one good thing a day."

My piece today is a tiny attempt to pay our tribute by sharing this news clipping from New Indian Express on our unsung heroes. 

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