Saturday, April 23, 2022

Would you love an Orchard ?

Hot it's. 

Remove more 🌲 trees. 
You can melt more bones. 
May know what a furnace is like. 

For God's sake 
Your posterity's sake

If you wish 
To reverse it, 

Rush to nearest 
Horticultural society. 

Each one, 
Yes every single one, 
Get a sapling, 
Plant it, 
Nurture it.

You will have branches 
Spreading their wings. 
You'll have nature's 
Air conditioning. 
You'll host all
Flying species -
Ranging from 
Ubiquitous crows always caw-cawing,
Speedsters squirrels, 
Chirping Parrots, 
Colorful Butterflies -
All doing their karma-dharma, 
Pollinating sans seeking 
Any rewards. 

"A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible.”

― Welsh proverb

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