Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Let noble thoughts come from all sides...

Years ago
I went into a shop
All mobile phones
And paraphernalia. 

My mission:
To buy a new charger. 

The counter walla
Tendered me a box
Containing the charger. 

Literally the descriptions
In micro fonts were
In myriad lingos
But English. 

Looking at my
Baffled look, 
The vendor explained,
"Sir,  it's China made."

I was at complete loss. 
Couldn't this simple 
Piece be manufactured
In India? 

By the way
We can determine 
To shun all things
But in the Nation of 
Rig Veda, 
- 'Let noble thoughts come 
From all the sides.' -
Won't we be at loss, 
If we don't cherish
Good sayings, 
Proverbs et al
From the shores of China. 

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