Saturday, March 12, 2022

Change, inevitable


Dear Friend Prof. Rajendran is used to greet every morning with a nice good morning message. 

Osho quotes a story. In his book titled "Astrology."  His mischievous tagline to the title : "superstition, blind faith,  or a door to the essential? ".

Mullah Nasruddin was miserable and all in penury.  All his villagers knew his pitiable condition.  

Suddenly one day Nasruddin appeared unusually very cheerful and happy.  Not that his conditions changed for good. 

Villagers were wondering  what in the whole world could have made him happy suddenly. 

Some dared to question Mullah himself for the reason. 

Know what Mullah said?

"I have learned to cooperate with the inevitable.  After many years of struggling,  I have realized something.  I have decided that what must be,  must be.  Now I cooperate with the inevitable,  so there is no reason to be miserable.  Now I am happy."

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