Friday, March 1, 2024

Language Training

As you read you will see the author's concern that the hard reality is no emphasis on pronunciation learning, teaching and training.

He also refers to a practice in olden days. The teacher would ask the students to stand in a circle. The teacher would stand in the middle.  He would instruct each student to read out one part of a lesson.  If he finds the student facing any difficulty in pronunciation, the master would correct then and there. Thus the Master ensures students get a stronger foundation in way to pronounce words properly.

I studied in Tamil medium till school finals.  To the best of my memory, there was no such practice to meticulously train pupils on appropriate pronunciation.

The politicians, esp., so called Tamil guardians,  misrepresent  that Tamil population prefers only two languages formula.  Well, we can be happy, if they provide excellence in learning at least these two languages.

The hard lesson, if you want to learn any language, don't rely on any govt props.  Go ahead, hone your interest yourself to any language of your choice. In the webby and techy world opportunities to learn a language of your choice are aplenty.  Wish You Happy learning.

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