Saturday, March 2, 2024

Romancing the yoga, xercise....

 Romancing the Yoga, Xercise....

Two things................

once you are into,

you are never off:

yoga; and

stock/investing   ....

may be you are into

on and off;

lacking rhythmic consistency;

yet you're not completely divorced from.

at the eve of initiation,

I just loved yoga;

it kept me in good grip.

As I age, I lame-excused

citing my career preoccupation or any

other damn alibi.

hours-together sedentary life

sitting erect before computer

staring the monitor

straining the eyes.

obese kept balooning;

the flexibility in body gave

plenty of space to stiffening.

time I woke up this morning;

did a few asanas as my body could

live upto.

It's a marvellous feeling, change.

It brought back some grip to body.

When in savasana betwixt asanas,

The "I" in me dissolved into the




Thank you God,

for bringing me back to my senses.

I'll never ever divorce yoga, walking.

It slimmed me from 82 to 79...

marching towards 69...

which is commensurate with my

BMS, height, weight and body mass index.

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