Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Effortless Effort....


Effort for what?

To start the journey?

Journey where?

Your inward.

How to start?

Just close your eyes.

Is it where effort stops?

Having closed your eyes,

Sitting relaxedly,

With spine erect

Effort simple,

Not a herculean one,

Shall be to watch,

Observe your




As you merge with observing,


You are in complete

Nishta –

The stillness.

The Bliss state,

You transcend all


No more effort.

There you throb

In bliss.

Welcome to that

Sweet state.

Once in the

Brahma Muhurta.

If possible, at Sunset.

In between,

As many times

As possible and

As you like.

-          Mahatma was regular to meditate and he had hectic schedule.  He used to tell, “when I have a heavy day, I double up the duration of my meditation.

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