Saturday, March 30, 2024

Vikshit Bharath - 1

There's a cacophony here well maneuvered into the minds of all here in Tamilnadu and elsewhere by u aesthetically named bunch of divisive forces.

It's not good to fence-sit and watch them go free right under nose. Although, howsoever a tiny our efforts may be.

Today let's see the mammoth progress, development and growth in Railways ever since hamara parivar - Hon'ble Modiji came into helm the Nation, the Ma Bharath with Rail Mantri Hon'ble Ashwini Vaishnav piloting the Railways.

1. By 2026, aim is to achieve 350km per hour bullet train.

2. New Railway tracks about 31000 kms in last 10 years. In last one year alone it was 5300 km an equivalent of Swiss tracks per year.

3. Electrification of 40000 km in last one decade as compared to just 20000km in the 6 decades of old regime.

4. In pre 2014 regime just 30 bew stations a year and since 2014, it went upto 500 new stations a year. Target for next 10 years: 40800  new routes. It's akin Atalji's Golden quadrilateral scheme.

5. Over 1000 new flyovers.

Friday, March 29, 2024

மொழி....மொழி குறித்து பெரியோர்கள்


"எல்லா பாஷையும் எல்லாருக்கும் பொதுதான் என்ற மனப்பான்மை வரவேண்டும். 

பரஸ்பரம் அபிப்ராய பரிவர்த்தனைக்காக ஏற்பட்டதே பாஷை என்ற அடிப்படையான உண்மையை மறந்து விட்டதால்தான்,  இப்போது தாய் பாஷை ஒன்றிடமே வெறிமாதிரியான பற்றுதல்,  பிற பாஷைகளிடம் துவேஷம் எல்லாம் ஏற்பட்டிருக்கின்றன. 

மற்ற எல்லா விஷயங்களிலும் பரந்த மனப்பான்மை,  இன்டர்நேஷனல் அவுட்லுக் (ஸர்வ தேச நோக்கு) என்று சொல்லிவிட்டு இந்த பாஷை விஷயத்தில் மட்டும் இத்தனை குறுகின புத்தி வந்து விட்டதைப் பார்க்கிற போது பரிதாபமாக இருக்கிறது. "

- மஹா ஸ்வாமி

கவியரசர் :

"தனித் தமிழ் என்பதில் எல்லாம் எனக்கு உடன்பாடில்லை."

Thank God, we have his beautiful renditions of Bhaja Govindram, Bhagavad Gita, Kanakadhara stotram all in Tamil.  Would he have given these had he not ventured to learn Sanskrit?


"கொள்கையில் உயர்ந்த மனிதர்" என்கிற தினமணியில் வந்த கட்டுரையில் தி.க.சி - திருநெல்வேலி கணபதி சிவசங்கரன் அவர்களின் மொழிக் கருத்து குறித்து கோதை ஜோதிட்சுமி எழுதியதிலிருந்து:

" இதழியல் துறையில் இருப்பவர்களுக்கு நல்ல மொழியறிவு வேண்டும். அதோடு பல மொழிகளும் தெரிந்தவர்களாக இருத்தல் அவசியம்."

மஹா கவி பாரதியார்:

He knew many languages.

வீர மங்கை வேலு நாச்சியார்:

She excelled in other languages.

When one learns more than one language, the issue is please keep frequenting across these, while writing, speaking.  Like you get muscle strength while exercising, you would have an effortless fluency over these .

May you learn more languages.
Turn deaf to all fanatics who fan fire of sensation, not for your good but for their selfish ends. Simply, don't get fooled by these selfish goons.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

வழிபாடு - Worship

வழிபாடு - Worship 

ஒழிக்கின்ற கொசுவல்ல
ஸன் மார்க்கங்களையும்
ஏற்கின்ற நல் வழியே
தான் யார்,
என்றறிகிற - knowledge,
துவக்கமே வழிபாடு - worship
தான் யாது?
ரூபத்தில் இருந்து
அரூப - ஸ்வரூப

An Excerpt from Osho - from his title 'Hidden Mysteries';

...., all jumps are from form to formlessness because deep down, FORM is NOT the OPPOSITE of FORMLESSNESS, but only a PART of IT - an INDIVISIBLE PART. It may seem SePRATE to us because of our LIMITED VISION, but in fact, FORM and FORMLESSNESS are INDIVISIBLE."

Friday, March 8, 2024

Yet another genius..

Yet another genius..

Yet another feat in late 1800s and early 1900s.
There was another mathematics genius.

There was an eminent mathematician, by name Prof Hardy, in University of Cambridge. Prof Hardy invited Ramanuja to London.

About the wonder that Ramanuja was, Osho in his , 'Hidden Mysteries' writes:

' The geius and capabilities of Ramanuja were such they could not have been due to MENTAL powers:
The intellect moves very slowly,
Thinking takes time,
But Ramanuja didn't take any time in responding to Hardy's questions."

Even before the question was complete, pat came Ramanuja's answer. This puzzled mathematicians of that time. What it takes a minimum of six hours for even the best of mathematians to solve a complicated maths problem, and still they wouldn't be sure of accuracy, Ramanuja would solve them in no time with absolute accuracy.

At the age of 36, due to severe Tuberculosis, he was hospitalized. Prof Hardy came to visit him at the hospital. The Prof parked his car in a short distance near the room where Ramanuja was admitted. From the room Ramanuja could see the number plate of the car. He said to Prof Hardy the number was unique and had four special aspects to it. So saying Ramanuja breathed his last.

It baffled Prof Hardy and it took six months to just decipher what Ramanuja was saying. Prof Hardy could discover only 3 out of four aspects Ramanuja mentioned.

Prof left a will that the research on the number should continue so that the 4th aspect could be found out. It took 22 years after Prof Hard's death to discover the 4th aspect.

This day is Maha Shivratri. Osho attributes the genius of Ramanuja to the activation of third eye, agnya chackra When a problem is presented to Ramanuja, he squeezes eyebrows and his concentration was the space between two eyebrows. 

In Yoga the the space between two eyebrows is described as third eye. If the same is activated, Osho writes, 

"'s possible see events and scenes from different realms in their entirety."

Imagine how Sanjaya was able to describe what happened in the Kurukshetra precisely sitting near the blind Monarch Dratharstra.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The God Charcha

Charcha chaltha hai...

This doubt will nag you eternally...
Nagged all,
So towering Swamy Vivekanand,
Saint திருமூலர்...
கடவுள் இருக்கிறாரா?
Is He/She a Form?
Or Formless?
Why bada temples for Him?

You have all answers here
In my just read,
"Hidden Mysteries" by Osho.
Just an excerpt
To answer all questions here from
The book:

"...., all jumps are from form to formlessness because deep down, FORM is NOT the OPPOSITE of FORMLESSNESS, but only a PART of IT - an INDIVISIBLE PART. It may seem SePRATE to us because of our LIMITED VISION, but in fact, FORM and FORMLESSNESS are INDIVISIBLE."

Reason why Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi queries,
Who am I?
Is the body 'I''?
Is the mind 'I'?
Is the buddhi - the intellect 'I'?

Queries land you in 

Call it any Name
As you Wish.

The unanimous Name is

God bless.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Romancing the yoga, xercise....

 Romancing the Yoga, Xercise....

Two things................

once you are into,

you are never off:

yoga; and

stock/investing   ....

may be you are into

on and off;

lacking rhythmic consistency;

yet you're not completely divorced from.

at the eve of initiation,

I just loved yoga;

it kept me in good grip.

As I age, I lame-excused

citing my career preoccupation or any

other damn alibi.

hours-together sedentary life

sitting erect before computer

staring the monitor

straining the eyes.

obese kept balooning;

the flexibility in body gave

plenty of space to stiffening.

time I woke up this morning;

did a few asanas as my body could

live upto.

It's a marvellous feeling, change.

It brought back some grip to body.

When in savasana betwixt asanas,

The "I" in me dissolved into the




Thank you God,

for bringing me back to my senses.

I'll never ever divorce yoga, walking.

It slimmed me from 82 to 79...

marching towards 69...

which is commensurate with my

BMS, height, weight and body mass index.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Language Training

As you read you will see the author's concern that the hard reality is no emphasis on pronunciation learning, teaching and training.

He also refers to a practice in olden days. The teacher would ask the students to stand in a circle. The teacher would stand in the middle.  He would instruct each student to read out one part of a lesson.  If he finds the student facing any difficulty in pronunciation, the master would correct then and there. Thus the Master ensures students get a stronger foundation in way to pronounce words properly.

I studied in Tamil medium till school finals.  To the best of my memory, there was no such practice to meticulously train pupils on appropriate pronunciation.

The politicians, esp., so called Tamil guardians,  misrepresent  that Tamil population prefers only two languages formula.  Well, we can be happy, if they provide excellence in learning at least these two languages.

The hard lesson, if you want to learn any language, don't rely on any govt props.  Go ahead, hone your interest yourself to any language of your choice. In the webby and techy world opportunities to learn a language of your choice are aplenty.  Wish You Happy learning.