Sunday, February 4, 2024

Meditate for thy good and all good

I went for a special meet of NCC - Nagarathar Chamber of Commerce, in the nick of time. The meet was at a mini hall in Presidency Club, opposite to Ethiraj College on Commander in Chief Road. The hall was already packed to almost full. Thankfully there was a seat next to this Dr.

The meeting began and the Dr was invited to the podium to give his special address. The entire 45 minutes session, the Dr enthralled the audience. 

Well coming to his this topic about Meditation, here are a few of experience which I can vouch for:

Eosinophil counts weren't at healthy levels causing asthmatic trouble. May be this runs genetically in our big family. In winter season it was acute and even unbearable. Once I learnt to do meditation, TM- Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, this condition - asthmatic slowly turned to normalcy. Even when you do meditation inconsistently, you will have good health benefits. Our Art of Living Guru, Sri Sri was a disciple to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Gracefully, once you learn to do meditation and miss it in between, always you'll have an intuitive trigger nudging you to get back and practice meditation.

Plus, a famous celebrity Cindy Crawford, if I remeber right, once remarked she had absolute control over what she ate and her sleep. 

One thing for sure, just not the apple which can save your medical expenses, Meditation ranks over apple in keeping you fit like a fiddle.

Wish You happy Meditation and a robust Life.

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