Thursday, January 11, 2024

The First Advice

The First Lesson Maha Swami, when He was as child, Swaminathan, the name before His Monk-hood, was from His Mother Ma Lakshmi.

That first set Him on His spiritual journey.

Ok, what was the First Lesson?

Before telling you that, there occurred an incident which triggered Mom to give that First Lesson.

One night when everyone in the family were fast asleep, suddenly there was a noise from the kitchen. The Child, Swaminathan and everyone got scared.  The neighbors came with whatever weapon they could gather at that pitch dark night.  They opened the kitchen door.  A poor weasel - மர நாய் - was struggling to get its head out of a vessel - containing jaggery - with a very narrow top opening. The valiant neighbours managed to pull out the animal and let it go in the forest bordering the village. The poor animal smelling the sweetness of jaggery mindlessly left its head inside the joggerry vessel.

Back to Ma's Lesson:
அழியக்கூடிய பொருள்கள் மீது நாம் ஆசை வைக்கக் கூடாது. -

Never desire anything that is ephemeral.

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