Saturday, January 6, 2024

A yatra to Chennai Book Fair

Time again.
Began with a happy note.
Fresh Jan 24.
Just on dot as 24 birthed,
A good friend posted her Poetic welcome.
To be precise, at 00.02 hrs,
I posted our பிள்ளையார் பட்டி
Vinayaka in His glittering Golden adorn.
Along with our Kaviarasar's:

அற்புத கீர்த்தி வேண்டின்
...ஆனந்த வாழ்க்கை வேண்டின்
நற்பொருள் குவிதல் வேண்டின்
...நலமெலாம் பெருக வேண்டின்
கற்பக மூர்த்தி தெய்வக்
...களஞ்சியத் திருக்கை சென்று
பொற்பதம் பணிந்து பாரீர்
...பொய்யில்லை கண்ட உண்மை.

This time The Annual Chennai Book Fair began so soon, much early on 3rd Jan.  Couldn't wait. Dashed yesterday there around 6.45 in the evening. Stayed there till the closing time, 8, 8.30.

Could go around 1 row only.

Lot of stalls, mini, micro, medium and big. In all sizes. Quite a number of publishers, friends and clients have their stalls there.  In one friend's stall, surprised to see a book on வீர மங்கை வேலு நாச்சியார், a rare one. Publisher's name: : Baba publication.

Plan to visit again today, if Lord Varuna is merciful.  It rains in Chennai as I write now, 9.42 am.
Here are a few picks yesterday:

கோளறு பதிகம் is complimentary.

Don't ask do I really read all.

Some yes.
Some I reserve for later. When is a ? Mark.
Some, read or not, I would be happy to share. I don't want my books to stink, wish they flow like river.  I ensure no nonsense stuff find a way to my shelf.

A lovely quote on reading:

"Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading." – Lena Dunham

Wish You happy Reading.

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