Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Sleep, Sleep well...


Certainly, this is not to demotivate….

But like anything, ‘m dead sure

You can’t say

No to sleep.

A little detour….

I remember the evergreen

The Joke – The Tenali Raman Joke.


Everyone from India.

Need I rekindle it?!

May be yes.

The King asked the wise men

In his court,

“What makes you the happiest in the world?”

Every one told the king what appealed to him

To be the happiest.

But strangely, the King heard

TenalI telling,

“Going to Loo makes me the happiest.”

Got aghast the King.

Yet wanted to TenalI to prove.

In the vast empire,

Loos were far and few.

Of course, there was exclusive one to King.

The next morning,

Tenaly entered the King’s loo,

And stayed long.

The King can battle and conquer the world.

Yet he was incapable to control his irritable bowel.

He kept knocking, kicking and punching

The Loo’s door.

The jester deliberately took his own time

And not wanting to test the patience,

He came out.

The King rushed in.

TenalI was waiting.

Feeling relieved, the King came out minutes later.

It’s now TenalI’s turn to ask the King,

“What makes you the happiest?”.


Well let me come back on track….

We are talking about sleep.

If you don’t get sleep, and don’t love books,

Hear what Frank Zappa has to say:

“I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy.”


Funny quotes apart,

Never forsake sleep.

In the interest of your health, one needs to have adequate sleep.

The author of the book, a journalist himself, neatly and more exhaustively explains what havoc the sleeplessness can play in our health.

Anyone could experience himself if one does not have quality sleep, he will not be feeling afresh while waking up and this would have bad impact in his energetic functioning for the day.  .

The author avoids jargons and narrates on significance of sleep in such a fashion that even a lay person can comprehend all aspects of sleep and how important it is to lead a healthy and robust life.  The Bonus is the author complements the final few pages with expert Doctors’ views on this topic, “Sleep”.

A quality pick from this year’s visit to the Mega event, The Madras Book Fair, by BAPASI, Book Publishers and Sellers Association of South India.

Title of the Book in Tamil:  நல்லிரவு

Publishers:    Thamarai Brothers Media Private Limited

Author :  K Vijayakumar.

No of pages: 96

Ok set your Biological clock.

And sleep in time


Perform better in life


Lead robust health.

God Bless.







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