Tuesday, January 31, 2023

BP : B +ve

BP    : B +ve 


The Acronym just scares.


Like traffic chaos,

Your blood flow goes helter skelter.


Calm your nerves.

Usually a red alert is sounded,

When diagnosis reveals BP – the Blood Pressure.


My deliberate choice of Green colour here to begin the 

Topic with.


‘m not a doctor nor an expert in the know to talk on it.

‘m one diagnosed with High BP.

People tell don’t be Jack of all trades.

But the legal fora say 

Ignorance is no excuse –

Derived from Latin,

ignorantia juris non excusat

Nor a bliss.

Better take a leaf from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad:

तमसो मा ज्योतिर् गमय’ –

Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya

 Lead us from ignorance to truth.


When Doctors say you have BP,

And prescribe and put you on medicine mode,

You never rest.

This is here you begin your research on, looking for layman readable and jargon free medical literature, discussion or debate with friendly Doctors etc.

Pressure, per se is not a villain. You can call it fondly as a necessary evil.

Speaking in computer parlance, it’s by default, an auto mode.

By pressure, we mean the blood flow in and out of the heart, a fist size in your chest.  When your muscles contract, blood flows out of your heart and through the arteries to various parts of the body.  When the muscles relax, blood flows into heart. In medical parlance, the pressure by which blood is pumped out of heart is called systolic - that's when muscles contract to let the blood out. The other when the blood comes into heart when it relaxes is called diastolic. 

Ever since humanity evolved as mathematician, Pressure too came into their counting process.

Then the natural corollary is what level of pressure is good or bad or even alarming.


Ideal is 110 to 130 as systolic and 70 to 85 as diastolic. 


The deviation either side is to watch out for and to call on your physician. When pressure shoots beyond 140, it's hypertensive and when it slides down below above levels is low pressure. 


Can you stem when the pressure goes wilder and erratic? 


The happiest fact is an emphatic YES. 


Before we see how, let's see some villains inflicting health hazards:


Obesity is one cause. 

Sedentary work culture too plays havoc with your healthy pressure position. 

Stress you put yourself to also plays spoilsport. 

Besides lifestyle. 


What are the easy and inexpensive ways towards mission healthy BP? 


More than medicines, it's your life style change. 


Are you one to use your limousine even to go to street corner shop?  Better walk. You just not save fossil fuel but your lungs get oxygen and the body, blood circulation. And you start shedding weight. To see results, focus and stick to practising consistency. 

And a few more off pharmacological ways to make your BP behave:

-          Good Eating habit – your body is intelligent. Like a modern day lift alerts when it’s overload, the same fashion, the body can exhibit its discomfort.


-          Less Salt – There is a Lord near Kumbakonam by name Uppiliyappan Swamy. The Priest offer naivedya, the God’s food prepared not using even iota of salt to Swamy Uppiliyappan.  I can hear your murmur, Gods can go sans salt, how can we human being do without.  Hence, restrict and reduce your intake of salt.


-          Exercise.  Brisk walk for at least 2.5 hours in a week, as World Health Organisation advises.  If you can, combine easy yoga as much as comfortable to you. A quote of Earl of Derby:


“Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.”


Thus you are on mission healthy BP. 


And do perform quietly. 

Productivity is at its pinnacle, aesthetic when the undercurrent is equanimity.

God bless.


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