By the time you come to read this far here in this piece, I can see your eyebrows raising and the question - what went wrong to this fellow - reverberates within your mind.
Before we try to see what the para one of this piece is, a simple question to all busybodies:
'could you recall what you ate in the morning for breakfast? '
If you ask this question to 10 people, all busy with their day's to-dos, chances are only a very few would come out with correct answer. Reason : Our mind is too totally tuned to our task on hand for the day. And what we ate in the morning simply slips out of our mind. We feel it's not so significant to remember what we eat in the morning.
You still have to wait to straighten out the scribbling in para one of this piece.
There was a gentleman with a flair to write. But preoccupied with his job he never ventured to write during his employment period. Well even after retirement, he kept off his desire to write.
One day his wife, after 67 years of marriage, passed away. It's at this juncture, to vent out his grief over loss of his better half for such a long duration, he started writing.
The title of the book :
"The Invisible Wall : Love Story that broke barriers."
The author : Harry Louis Bernstein.
Age when he started writing this book, you won't believe, it was 93. When he completed writing it, he was 96.
The book became best seller. Even today his work is very popular.
What a resounding memory at 90 + !
Had he started writing much earlier, more he would have written. The lesson : Never postpone living your passion, dream. According to people's President Dr APJ Kalam, a dream is not what you get in your sleep but what lets you not is.
At last to sum up the para one of this piece, it reads "Alzheimer".
To wrap this up on +ve note, the strong WILL goes from strength to strength and never ages.
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