Thursday, November 18, 2021



 I believe in karma,

and I believe

if you put out positive vibes

to everybody,

that’s all you’re going to get back.”

 – Kesha


No it’s not a new attempt on a discourse.

The bug, ‘crossword’ bit me and I tend to do it on and off.

Many a time, it’s google-search of cross word solver that helps.


One Across clue today read:

22. Theory of inevitable consequences (5).

Thanks to clues 17 and 7 down. These led me to find out missing letters in between.

The clues respectively for 17 and 7 were:

17. Chemist’s deep glass (6);


7. Luggage over weight carried free (6,7).

Answers to 17 and 7 down respectively were the words,



Excess Baggage.

The ‘k’ in Beaker was letter first for clue 22. Across and 5th letter, ‘a’ in Baggage was the last.

The word, ‘Karma’ struck my mind instantly.

But before filling in, had a doubt is this word in English too?

What a wonder!

The word, “Karma” is very much there.

The dictionary I turn to whenever I need to refer for meaning is the ever young,….yes….just 193 years …..1828 Merriam-webster.

The dictionary has an entry for “Karma”, with the description of meanings:

1the force created by a person's actions that is believed in Hinduism and Buddhism to determine what that person's next life will be like

2: informal the force created by a person's actions that some people believe causes good or bad things to happen to that person



It’s no wonder English is an ever evolving and growing lingua franca. 

I surmise English language in a way cognizes our Rig Veda, as the Veda goes to say:


‘m not an expert to comment on Vedas.  I remember my teacher Mr TS Srinivasan, fondly remembered by boys then as TSS. He wrote this Rigvedic quote in my autograph at the time of my school leaving.

The language has an openness, it adopts and grows, no bias for any foreign languages.



Or unfortunately

Or by DESIGN, SCHEME, etc.,

We have a class or bunch of language hate mongers.


A relative shared with me some of one atheist leader’s sayings.

One such read in Tamil,

மதம் மனிதனை மிருகமாக்கும் .

ஜாதி மனிதனை சாக்கடையாக்கும்.

To mean:

Religion makes man a beast.

Caste will sew man.

 I replied to him in Tamil.  My reply consisted of 24 lines including just 4 words of transliteration in Tamil of the Sanskrit slogan,

लोकः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु)

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu


May all beings everywhere be happy and free.

Pat came his reply advising me that no one here understands Sanskrit and why you have a deep desire, மோகம் for the same.


Absolutely clueless how they go judgmental and conclude just because one loves languages beyond one’s mother tongue, that one neglects one’s own language.


At times I wonder if we live in a democracy.

Who should determine which language, or which one only, one should love, learn and do transact in?  A learner himself/herself, or a class or bunch of fanatics?


Wayne W. Dyer is right:

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”

And there is no, yes, no escapade.

Sounds true, the Brahadharanyak Upanishad:

“You are what your deep, driving desire is.

 As is your desire, so is your will.

 As is your will, so is your deed.

 As is your deed, so is your destiny.”

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