Friday, December 29, 2023

Who am I? The simple question......Gateway to Infinity

30 Dec ....that year 1879,
Avatar day of Bhagavan.

144 years, the Jyoti He lit still brightens.
Simple questions:
Am I my body?
Am I my mind?
Am I my intellect?

For the lurking 'if not, then',  Bhagavan sets you on an answer seemingly simple, sorry did I say answer.  Oh no, It's yet another BIG QUESTION,  'WHO AM I?'.

Should as a seeker feel left lurched?

Read Bhagavan:

God and Guru only show you the to liberation.  But it's the seeker who himself/herself to walk the path.

God and Guru indeed are not different from one another. How what goes into the jaws of a tiger can not escape, so is one , who has even a fraction of the compassionate Glimpse of the Bhagavan, will ever be in the safe fold of Bhagavan.

Yet, the seeker himself/herself has to try the journey of liberation. A person by name Rama has to know by himself that he is Raman. How can any other telling him - that he is Raman - will make him aware of his name?

Pranam to Bhagavan.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Love thy Soul

Toing my yesterday's sharing - it's part of this collage, would love to share, commend reading the Wabi Sabi, a beautiful book for a calm and minute - mind you not racy - reading.

Here is the Japanese Author Nobuo Suzuki quoting our beloved Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi:

"Happiness is your nature.
It's not wrong to desire it.
What is wrong is seeking it outside
When it is 


P.s.: a detailed review I reserve for early 2024

Monday, December 18, 2023

The Book ...just read

My favourite Author: Ruskin Bond
Accidental Coincidence: The day we were born on was 19 May.  The gap between years I leave it to your maths, 1934 - - - - 1962.

After an age and as we keep ageing, I just see no fun in holding age close to the chest.  Years ago, I accompanied a senior for branch audit of a corporate client. The senior hardly had any strand over his head. When we were getting ready in the morning, he would tell, " Hey, I don't have much time to comb. It's just a few arrangement of my strands overhead."

If you're damn serious, sincere and you love your work, the Author's advice is:
"...if my writing begins to bore me, it will certainly bore my readers."

And about criticism, his take:
In Bold letters:
Every writer must be prepared for some criticism. The greatest of writers haven't escaped it.

There may be healthy and constructive criticism, also there may be, more often than not, nasty ones too.

His spur:

" attention to the constructive one."

And for the nasty, his advice:

"... it's probably caused by envy (' sour grapes ') so laugh it off and get on with your work."

His words on how your words should be in your work, writings:

○keep it simple.
○don't add to the confusion that already exists.
○don't bother with difficult, complicated words.

He cautions:
"..cordinal vice of the writer,  is
The writer who tries to impress you with his vocabulary and convoluted sentences."

Would like wrapping this shortie with the senior Author's own fine touch:

" To read,
To write,
To be read;
The perfect combination."

Wish You happy writing.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Why Temples... Instead of Hospitals?

Obeisance to
The King Raja Raja Chozha,
For imagining
This unique Wonder.
And Pranams to all
All sculptors and 
Their selfless team
In bringing King's
Dream to 
And ЁЯЩП Prayers to
The Divine Force.

A reader raised the following question in recent родுроХ்ро│роХ்:

' роиீроЯ் родேро░்ро╡ு роТро░ு роЪрооூроХ роЕроиீродி ' роОрой்ро▒ு рокிро░рокро▓ родро▒்роХாро▓роХ் роХро╡ிроЮро░் роХூро▒ி роЗро░ுроХ்роХிро▒ாро░். роЕро╡ро░ுроХ்роХு родроХுродி роЙро│்ро│родா?'

Answering his question, the Editor said:

' роХро▓ி ропுроХрод்родிро▓், рокிро░рокро▓рооாройро╡ро░்роХро│் роЕро▒ிро╡ாро│ிроХро│் роОрой்ро▒ு роороХ்роХро│் роироо்рокி ро╡ிроЯுро╡ாро░்роХро│் роОрой்роХிро▒родு рокாроХро╡род рокுро░ாрогроо்.

Forget expecting responsibility and accountability from such ones not caring about how they mislead the gullible. 

Well, this reminisces about yet another celebrity airing her deep concern that - instead of having such mammoth edifice, i.e., Temple, we should have built hospitals.

What many forget is yet at the same wave the Constitution guarantees right of speech, it also cautions to use such right with responsibility and accountability.  

All right, let anyone speak anything, but let's always recall роРроп்ропрой் родிро░ுро╡ро│்ро│ுро╡ро░் 's evergreen :

роОрок்рокொро░ுро│் ропாро░்ропாро░்ро╡ாроп்роХ் роХேроЯ்рокிройுроо் роЕрок்рокொро░ுро│் рооெроп்рок்рокொро░ுро│் роХாрог்рок родро▒ிро╡ு. | роХுро▒ро│் роОрог் – 423

Shall we go back to the question why not hospital in place of temple?  Let's try answering in a little medical way as far as possible.

We will start right at the Tower, the ро░ாроЬроХோрокுро░роо்:

Not just that роХோрокுро░ родро░ிроЪройроо் роХோроЯி рокுрог்рогிропроо், also your neck gets an exercise, stiffness is given a go bye, flexibility is restored and a senior lawyer said: It's a good cure for cervical spondylitis.

As you go in, you find yourself completely focused, almost in dhyan, meditative mode.  Meditative mode gives you  far greater relaxation than which you derive from your sleep. You always experience the freshness after a deep rest. Your freshness, creativity and turning out in a day go multifold after dhyan.

When you enter the sanctum and stand before the deity, close your eyes and pray ЁЯЩП, this song will ring in you:
родாропா ропெройроХ்роХுрод் родாройெро┤ுрои் родро░ுро│ி
рооாропாрок் рокிро▒ро╡ி рооропроХ்роХроо் роЕро▒ுрод்родுрод்
родிро░ுрои்родிроп рооுродро▓ைрои் родெро┤ுрод்родுроо் родெро│ிро╡ாроп்рок்
рокொро░ுрои்родро╡ே ро╡рои்родெрой் роЙро│рои்родройிро▓் рокுроХுрои்родு (20).....

ро╡ாроХ்роХுроо் рооройрооுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ா рооройோро▓ропроо்
родேроХ்роХிропே ропெрой்ро▒рой் роЪிрои்родை родெро│ிро╡ிрод்(родு)
роЗро░ுро│்ро╡ெро│ி ропிро░рог்роЯுроХ்(роХு) роТрой்ро▒ிроЯроо் роОрой்рой
роЕро░ுро│்родро░ுроо் роЖройрои்родрод்(родு) роЕро┤ுрод்родிропெрой் роЪெро╡ிропிро▓் (60)

роОро▓்ро▓ை ропிро▓்ро▓ா роЖройрои் родроо்роЕро│ிрод்(родு)
роЕро▓்ро▓ро▓் роХро│ைрои்родே роЕро░ுро│்ро╡ро┤ி роХாроЯ்роЯிроЪ்
роЪрод்родрод்родிрой் роЙро│்ро│ே роЪродாроЪிро╡роо் роХாроЯ்роЯிроЪ்
роЪிрод்родрод்родிрой் роЙро│்ро│ே роЪிро╡ро▓ிроЩ்роХроо் роХாроЯ்роЯி
роЕрогுро╡ிро▒்(роХு) роЕрогுро╡ாроп் роЕрок்рокாро▓ுроХ்(роХு) роЕрок்рокாро▓ாроп்роХ் (65)...

After darsn, you come out and go for pradaksna, circumambulation.  Actually you do your walking. Your muscles get strengthened, you get good blood circulation, your pressure is under control, sugar level gets normalized, the feet get amble massage, your nervous system is fit like a fiddle.

Finishing your pradaksna, you come before dwajasthambam, and prostrate at the floor offering obeisance to the Lord. In the process see what happens, you raise your hands over your head, kind of tadasana, and bend and touch the floor, it's padahastasana.  Stretch your arms forward and fully prostrate. This process almost encompasses substantially the full Surya Namaskar. When you do Surya Namaskar, you get excercise for the whole body.  You are robust in your health.

Ask any Yoga Practitioner, what is the frequency that he, she visits his/her physician.  Won't get surprised if they say negligible.

The Lord Himself is Vaidyanatha/Dhanvantari: The Lords of good health.

His kshetra, the The Temple in itself is Vaidya sala - a healthy abode.
ЁЯЩП Prayer in itself is the prescription.

Diehard aversion creators may have their agenda: Not to elevate but to befool.

Against all these odds, it's рооро▓ை like - mountainous task to stay aware and not falling prey to nasty baits.

God save.
роЕрог்рогாрооро▓ைропாро░ே рокோро▒்ро▒ி рокோро▒்ро▒ி!