The time is at dot.
The big hand hides the small one.
Is it 12:00?
Or 24:00?
Is it the end?
The beginning?
March is bidding adieu.
April is born.
From taxman's parlance
One Assessment year -
Taxman loves to assess, -
Gives way to a new one.
For a businessman,
It's end of a Financial year
And the beginning of a new one.
I'm unusually awake.
A client called up to help him
Comply with his tax filing by the
Time the clock ticks 12:00,
Sorry the day 31st Mar ends.
Hence did that and to wrap up
Picked up குமுதம்
And finished reading Malan's
This week's writing.
மாலன் சொல்வதே, sorry,
எழுதுவதே ஓர் அழகு.
Some nuggets from his writing :
Tom Thumb loved to visit India. Didn't have much money to do the travel. Literally walked, and wherever possible by asking for lifts, he could reach India. He titled his book this way: "Hand-to-mouth-to-India".
His other book: "Bozo and the story teller ".
He had a startling imagination that one day the mobile phone will have teeth and bite the user's ear.
Does anyone bother to know who first created this ubiquitous device?
The debate is not yet over.
Whether mobile, or hand
As Americans would love to call it,
phone is bane or boon?
Let's first know who it was.
Martin Cooper.
Let's say a big hai to him.
On positive side,
hand phone indeed is handy.
Also it's worthwhile to
listen to Cooper on using the device.
He says,
TO IT. "