Friday, March 12, 2021

Maha Shivrathri 2021

If every 8-year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation. –

 Dalai Lama

Maha Shivrathri 
11 March, 2021

My mind goes back to Maha Shivrathri 2019, 5th March. The above sagely words,  nay pearls of Dalai Lama were wrapping up the post in my blog :  asiwritemypage. 

This auspicious day a Sindhi friend rang up. 
To tell me what magic did Pranayama do in his life. What inspired him towards Pranayama was a book in English on Pranayama, its scientific validation. Inputs for the book were from Baba Ram Dev.

The energy of two baffles me. 

Who are they? 

Sadhguru Vasudev
The Yog Guru Baba Ram Dev.

I wonder whether tiredness is in their dictionary. Both have gone miles,  been going miles and will blaze many more trails. 

Beyond personalities I feel to derive the message.  Message on Yog, asans, candid,  crystal clear views that these two carry,  convey.  They don't have to compel their perception on any one.  Rather people venture to take good things like bees hop from flower to flower to gather the honey. 

When I started to learn yoga,  my initiation was to do Asans.  I didn't know  nor rather have heard of Pranayama.  Even after years of doing Asans,  my focus isn't still on Pranayama part.  Or maybe I'm not aware in doing Asans,  dhyan that Pranayama is inbuilt, intertwined. 

In dhyan and saavasan a.k.a., corpse posture,  oh I'm failing in words to convey the superb bliss you experience that particular time.  The beauty is it lingers through the day and even beyond.  Reason why regular practice without any breaks is emphasized upon. 

I'm just in rudiments of Pranayama. Between an inhale and exhale cycle,  howsoever minimal,  you will vouch you experience the glimpse of the bliss.

As you go deeper and deeper into something like Asans,  the dhyan process, or anything for that matter, you  sure would experence that new vistas,  dimensions open up. 

Just had done a brief spell of inhale, exhale - Pranayama.  Long way to go in learning it the proper way,  from right Masters.

Don't risk trying it without a proper Guru's guidance. 

Schedule to read, Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi's,  'Who am I?' yet another round this Maha Shivrathri.  It runs edition into edition year after year.  

Wish you Superb Maha Shivrathri. 
Har Har Maha Dev dispel all darkness and enlighten, bestow peace.

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