Monday, November 23, 2020

Can SOUL speak?

Can SOUL speak? 


It'll at apt time. 
Right time when you 
Are left stranded 
And only 
Providence can help out. 

What's the media
That's soul's communication tool? 

The beauty is
You can understand your Soul. 

Not in any particular language. 
It doesn't have language phobia. 
Even without metaphor. 
It could be symbolically as well. 

You can hear it speaking. 

If you don't listen, 
It can just not speak
But command too. 

What's it that holds you back 
And you don't listen to Soul?

It's the inner and incessant 
Noise of the brain-mind.

How can you listen to Soul-speak? 

Turn inwards
Remain silent 
Maintain Antar mauna.

And there you are. 

Are you listening to Soul-speak?! 

God bless. 

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