Saturday, June 6, 2020

Yoga............for World Peace

YOGA……….for world peace.

You know
What starts the day?
Will you believe?
It’s Yoga.
It’s Yoga.
Right in your bed.
When you feel
You had good rest
Over the night’s sleep,
It just not suffices to
Kick start the day
Right away.

You just stretch
From head to toe
Right in the bed.

The problem is we
Let it at that
And we head into
Humdrum of the day straight.

Sort of mechanics sets in,
Rather than enjoyment
Of life
Moment to moment.

Even as a novice
In Yoga learning,
Am dead sure
Practice of yoga
Through and throughout
The day
Can keep you
Alive and agile.

You may laugh,
If I may say so.
From the moment you
Stretch to get
Out of bed
And slowly stride
To open the front
Door to fetch your milk,
Your bowel begins its

We, Indians when we
Lived in
Villages and small towns,
We squatted.
As we migrated to cities,
We aped the westerner.

The irony is that 
The commode traverses
Now to 
Nooks and corners of
Every small habitats. 

So graduation to sitting
From squatting.
Squat or sit
You can do asans.

Squat in itself is a work out.
Gives the push in the bowel
To gush out,
Overnight’s digested stuff.

Come to sitting.
While the process to gush out
Is still on, and you are a
Bit sure of complete
Cleansing of bowel,
Don’t rush.
Just lift up both arms,
Without getting up
Do a slight stretch
From waist skywards,
Your bath-room ceiling-wards,
Do a gentle few centimeter twist to
Your body
Both sides – right and left.

Come out of bath-room,
You can do veerbhadra asan itself.
And then go for
posture after

But all you need
To keep in mind
Not to overstrain.

For strain has no
Space in Yoga.
Stretch only
As much as
Your body allows.
Not to worry,
As your practice progresses,
You’ll be able to stretch more.

The benefit of Yoga
It just doesn’t bring in
Rhythm and alignment in
Your physicality
Fine frame of mind,
But the same
Rhyme and rhythm
Extend to your every
Single activity.

Rigor mortis set in
When Bhagavan did His
Atma Vichara and
Enacted how was
It to feel death,
“Who am I?”.
Yet He could feel
The pulsating
Prana despite
He controlled breath
And felt like a corpse.

To rest after a few posture,
Your Yog Guru tells you
To do
‘saavasan’ and relax.
You completely dissolve
And feel a
Magical Oneness
That Bhagavan felt in
His Atma Vichara.

For the world
To be
In Peace,
Get fast into Yoga
And bring the
Magical healing process,
Which the whole world
Is in dire need right now.

Yoga is not just a repetition of a few postures – it is more about the exploration and discovery of the subtle energies of life.
Amit Ray

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