Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Paropakaram Artham Idam Shareeram

Paropakaram Artham Idam Shareeram

परोपकार इदम् शरीर

This is an Ancient shloka that means Our body is meant for Helping others without expecting anything in return.

The above slogan is the tagline of The Hindu Mission Hospital which you may see on your left as you enter from southern part of the state into this மதராஸப் பட்டணம், City of Madras a.k.a Chennai. 

Ever since I read this line,  ....

A question keeps echoing, in what way am I, having this bulky  देहा, தேஹ், useful. 

And in reading தெய்வத்தின் குரல்,  little by little,  there are certain take aways all across the volumes. 

One gem saying:

Maha Periyava :

"do at least one good thing a day."

My piece today is a tiny attempt to pay our tribute by sharing this news clipping from New Indian Express on our unsung heroes. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

What helps?


What helps?




To have the solution, …. truly working solution,

Should one not look for what works to cure the disease itself and not just treat the symptom?

Where is the solution?


Yes, the ultimate solution,

What, East for aeons calls, “the moksha” –

Where you truly liberate,

The cycle of –

Punarabi jananam,

Punarabi maranam



Ceases completely,

Yes once and for all.

How does one attain it?

Transcend mind.


“Psychology does not believe in the soul of man.”

He goes blunt, calling a spade spade:

“Psychology believes that mind is a by-product of the body, and the people who have not                   even inquired beyond the mind into the SOUL of man are making statements which are                 absolute lies.”

Transcend mind.


                “East has been concerned not with the mind, but something BEYOND MIND.”


Back to the question, how does one attain it?

Fuketsu, the Zen monk was asked,

“Even without the practice of Zen, may we certainly attain budhahood?”.

Blunt again, Osho shoots back, “An absurd question”.

What is Zen?

The dhyan in Sanskrit.

Looks like, as yet, English has not adopted the word, dhyan.

Its nearest equivalent, nay, somewhat close is meditation.

Zhan it became when it moved to Buddhist language, Pali.

Chan in China.

And Zen in Japan.

Way out:

Bhagavan Ramana : “vichara

Vichara, i.e., enquiry.

Enquire where?

Nowhere externally.

Where else?

But, to turn inward.

Closing your eyes.

Sitting in sukhasana, in a comfortable posture.

On the surface, the bubbles,

The bubbles of thoughts are highly visible.

Will bubbles stay the same way?


It’s bound to dwindle, dwindle

Until it merges in the depth of the Ocean,

the Eternity.


Experience it.

Words are poor carrier to communicate

The Experience –

The Bliss,

Totally different from ephemeral pleasures.

Should you share,

Share Experience?

Will it be understood?

The thirsty has to drink himself.

But you can help.

Budha can point his finger towards moon

And show moon to real seeker.

Look should be to Moon

And not just stop at the finger pointing the Moon.

Why Share?


There is an urgent need

Need to make the whole

Earth Green.

Need to oxygenate.

To battle all

Pandemic today

Pandemic tomorrow.





And all species

Have to make a revisit.

Revisit and befriend

Burgeoning humanity.