Sunday, January 3, 2021

Are you too busy to exercise?

Never make excuses. Your friends don’t need them and your foes won’t believe them.”John Wooden

The lame excuse 
Straight away from 
Random access Memories. 

No scarcity of 
It at all. 

For God's sake 
And your 
Health's sake
At least 
Do spare time 
And do
Some workout. 

Even if it's 

Are you couched 
In your work chair
For hours together 
Staring at monitor? 
One may appreciate 
Your duty consciousness. 

But beware 
All the time you sit
The side effect is
You will see 
Girth line keeps burgeoning. 
Having an overload on
Heart functioning. 

Every hour pause for a
Few Minutes.
Do one asan,
A little jog,
Squat about 5 to 10 counts, 
Stroll a few steps or
Do whatever legitimate 
Physical activity you 
Enjoy doing. 

உடம்பினை முன்னம் இழுக்கென்று இருந்தேன்
உடம்புக்குள்ளே உறு பொருள் கண்டேன்
உடம்புளே உத்தமன் கோவில் கொண்டானென்று
உடம்பினை யான் இருந்து ஓம்புகின்றேனே.

- திருமூலர் 

World Health Organization -
Issues guidelines. 
Physical activity guidelines. 
At least about once in a decade.

Recognizing the 
Dynamics of 
Life styles,
Work culture 
In the interugnam,
It keeps issuing Guidelines. 

Till recently 
Its recommendation was
To do
Aerobic -
Running and
Cycling - 
For at least 150 minutes 
A week. 

150 minutes of
Excersice or
75 minutes of
Vigorous intense activity. 

The new Guidelines doubled
it up to 
150 to 300 minutes - moderate intensity 
75 to 150 minutes vigorous intensity 
Per week. 

At least bite-sized activity 
Through the day 
Through the week 
Meet target Guideline. 

Enjoy life. 
God bless. 

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