Friday, February 21, 2025

வலியரிதல் ...The true Awareness,.. to feel the pain

Above message is a striking sharing by a friend, who is a regular not to miss my sharing in WhatsApp status.

The point is we do see, read, listen to such good thoughts, but the question remains, are we getting lessons ingrained, let alone living by the values embedded in those thoughts.

In life we seek counselling,
Or people turn to us seeking counselling.

Forget the qualification to counsel or of the one counselling.

Always, remember emotions overweigh and we try to present only that side which is convenient to us. Ask oneself, are we not holding back the other part.

What to do when one doesn't know the whole story?

Always recall the most precious gem of a குறள்,

"எப்பொருள் யார்யார்வாய்க் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள் மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்ப தறிவு”

- திருக்குறள் 423. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Nothing else to do

Nothing else 
To do.
No friends,
No foes.
Neither pleasure,
Nor pain.
Then what,
No question.
When all
Merge in
Where's the 
Only the

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णश्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudachyate
purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavashisyate
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaanti!

Monday, February 17, 2025

The be... Blissful

விருப்பம் தவிர்.
வெறுப்பு தவிர்.
Is it an oxymoron?
Then what does
Maharshi point to?
The State -
The Awareness -
Where there is
Neither Pain,
Nor Pleasure.
Just ecstasy,
Which defy
Any Expression.
Who can feel it?
Anyone -
A Yoga enthusiast,
A Meditator
Would vouch it.
If anyone asks,
When should I try,
Answer is 
Right Now.
Should consistency 
Try even for a
Fragment in time.
Then you would 
Find the Answer.
You are already 
In the Grip -
The Bliss Grip!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

சுக்ஷும Guru

Don't worry. 
Not about philosophy.

A child's name.
So named by his parents.

Curiosity bug bit.
What made the parents 
Baptize the child 
With 'Advaith'.

The word, 'Advaith'.
What a magic it's full of!
The non-duality.

Is there,
Ek hi hai -
Just only one 
And none else?!

Only one.
All else is
Maayaa -

Is Advaith taught?
Can a Guru imbibe you
With nitty gritty of
The tatva -
The philosophy,
Philosophy of Advaith.

The Guru is soul-stirrer
He kindles it in you.
Hence a சுக்ஷும Guru,
Gu - ru
Gu - அஞானா 
Ru - Remover of அஞானா agnaana.

It's you
And live
The tatva -
Tat Tvam Asi (तत् त्वम् असि) -
You are That.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

S.I.P.... Happy investing, happy living

If I want to sum up this book 📚, it's an Encyclopedia on Investment, especially about systematically investing. Author in simple, easy to understand way, covers the whole gamut of the stock market world.  He literally takes you on a tour.  While not failing to throw light on where he should, the pits and falls, he emphasizes why investing in stocks, particularly in MFs in gradual, SIP- systematic investment plan -, helps you tide over the inflation.  Regardless of the level of income, he stresses investing, howsoever minimal it may be, should be your first expenditure. He beautifully higlights Warren Buffett formula:
வருமானம் - சேமிப்பு = மீதம் பணம் = செலவு.
He quotes Buffett, 
செலவு போக மீதமிருந்தால் செய்வதல்ல சேமிப்பு,
சேமித்த பிறகு மீதம் இருப்பதை மட்டுமே செய்ய வேண்டும் செலவு.

அழகிய குறள் போல் உளதா?

Author's take:
சேமிப்பு என்பது முடிந்தால் செய், முடியாவிட்டால் விட்டு விடு எனும் option அல்ல.
என்னுடைய எல்லாச் செலவுகளும் போக மீதம் இருந்தால் தான் சேமிப்பேன் என்ற நினைப்பு கூடாது.

He educates the way a sincere parent teaches good value to the child.  எனவே என்னுடைய சேமிப்புக்கு ஓரளவுக்கு எடுத்து வைத்த பிறகு மீதம் இருக்கிற பணத்தை மட்டுமே சேமிப்பேன் என்று தான் வருமானத்தை அணுக வேண்டும்.

He goes on to say how Bharath is on top gear, pushing to level 3 in world economy. It's never like now that you head on your journey, journey of investing.  
Happy reading.
Happy learning.
Happy investing.
Happy living.