Saturday, October 2, 2021

Belief in God

Belief ...... a beginning

A man's conversation with Shri Aurobindo:

Let's name the man Mr.Query.

Here is the conversation:

Mr Q: Do you believe in God?

Shri A: No...

Mr Q: What are you saying? Are you an atheist?

Shri A: No

Mr Q: Why are you creating a puzzle?
Your answer to both is No. You are contradicting yourself.

Shri A:
Wait a little.  You aren't  allowing me to say anything more than no.  As soon as I say no,  you start asking other things.  Wait a little.  I was saying that I don't believe in God because I know Him.  Because I know him I don't believe in him. 
He is. 
This is not a belief 
This is my knowledge.
My knowing. 

Friday, October 1, 2021


If I can do some good,  it's to tell you to do 'dhyan',  the meditation. 

There has been a lurking question is it - dhyan - meant only for Rishis,  Sanyasis like Sankaracharyas,  Ramana Maharishi, Gautam Buddha and not for Grahasthas. 

It's no surprise if I tell you it's all the more for Grahasthas. 


As the breadwinner of the family, as the lead lady or man of the family - no gender bias -, or anyone in family including children,  in this pacy world every one is subject to some stress or other.  And owing to ever evolving lifestyle dynamics, parallel to advancing health care systems, technologies,  the decease,  sickness of myriad hues Vie with each other and challenge the mankind. 

What does meditation do? 

Despite stress,  it keeps you on command and enables you to do your best in a coherent, creative and aesthetic manner. 

Meditation tries its best to keep your health in good shape,  even if  not shipshape. 

How do I learn dhyan? 

Perfect question. 

Especially when fake Gurus are aplenty. 
Choosing the right Guru in itself is a daunting task. 
And not everyone is a Buddha to get an enlightenment dawning under a Bodhi tree. 

The TM,  Transcendental Meditation is the one which I have personal experience about and is

○simple and easy to learn 
○not complicated 
○easy to practice and benefit 
○not very expensive to learn 
○just takes 20 minutes a day to do it one time,  but the TM teachers advise to do it twice a day. 


You are right if you would ask what benefit I derive. Yes it's listless, yet I attempt to tell you  a few:

○almost every one in our household suffers from excessive easonophil levels,  experience severe wheezing.  Ever since I started practising, even inconsistently, I can say the wheezing gradually faded away. 
○during hectic work schedules,  you can keep holding yourself and perform to your best. 
○good control over excessive eating 
○good sleep 
○above all the Supreme bliss moment, the ecstasy where you are completely one with the soul. That moment, no words,  no thoughts.  You can't elucidate it.  Words pale as perfect conveyor. You can only experience. 

May God bless you 
Be in Bliss.