தமிழில் பொருள் பொதிந்த சொல் வழக்கு ஒன்று உண்டு.
'சுவர் இருந்தால் தானே சித்திரம் வரைய முடியும்."
உடல் நல் ஆரோக்ய நிலையில் இருந்தால் தானே செவ்வனே பணியாற்ற இயலும்.
அவ்வுடலை ஆராதிக்கும் திருமந்திரப் பாடல் இதோ:
உடம்பார் அழியில் உயிரார் அழிவர்
திடம்பட மெய்ஞ்ஞானம் சேரவும் மாட்டார்
உடம்பை வளர்க்கும் உபாயம் அறிந்தே
உடம்பை வளர்த்தேன், உயிர் வளர்த்தேனே...'
(பாடல் 724).
Life is a gift.
Its mission:
To realize
To get enlightened.
When a loved one passes away,
We say He/She reached
Almighty's Lotus feet.
When do we attain the realization?!
Certainly not after leaving our mortal coils.
It's right away,
Even while we are alive and kicking.
How to do it?
Care your physical health.
Mental health.
And above all
Your wholistic spirituality.
Are you asking,
"With all constraints, barriers, stumbling blocks, uncertainty, .....ooh.. Deadly
Answer is yes,
All challenges,
And fear.
When all else
In existence fall apart
What holds you steadfastly
And on command of all
Is your
On con side
What hampers it?
We stress more than enough of
Taking good care of our physical health.
It goes Parallely with the
Responsibility in the sense
We should never abuse our physical self.
Also we need to be on guard and alert
We leave no leeway for even slightest trace of any negativity to harm us, pull us away by force, tricks and tantrums.
Be on command. Even at toughest of times and challenges.
There was an inspiring real life story. Published in தினமணி - வெள்ளிமணி dt 19 June, 2020.
Years ago there was a lady who was so terminally sick that doctors expressed their helplessness. It's horrible to lead a life when it comes to the knowledge of the patient that her days are very close to death.
With heavy heart she returned home.
At that time there was an orphanage which trained young and willing inmates in nursing. The lady who returned from hospital couldn't do anything on her own. So decided to take the help of one of the inmates from the orphanage.
The story of inmates moved her. So now she gave out of her savings some money for the welfare of the inmates in the orphanage.
The nurse who helped the lady and the orphanage thanked the lady profusely. The lady slowly forgot the severity of her illness.
She was a Hindi Teacher too. She felt why not she teach Hindi freely to children in the neighborhood. She gradually began to get occupied in a productive way. Her preoccupation literally saved her. She no longer felt sick. Turned healthy lady to the surprise of all the doctors.
So get, set on your march....
Turn the stronger you are.
God bless.
Your inner strength is your outer foundation
- Allan Rufus