What a name?!
For a game;
For a year.
I just felt it a fit way to welcome you into this 20:20 in a Yogic way:
Tadasan - tree posture ;
Padahastasana - raise your arms, bend as far as backward as you can, slowly bend forward and touch your toes;
Trikonasan - triangle posture;
Suryanamaskar - Sun salutation - Aditya hrudayam; it includes amidst many other the copra - pujangasan. Wherein with your arms straight and firmly on your sides, you lift your body up from your waist and look up;
Chakrasana - wheel posture, you will feel blood flow through your arms and to your head region, abode of your brain ;
Halasan ;
Dhanurasan - bow posture.
Finally saavasan - restful corpse posture
Followed by a few minutes of dhyan.
You just don't get a workout for your body but these Asans carry you on a holy pilgrimage to your source of divine energy that you are made of.
Soak in it day in and day out.
You will reduce your medical bills.
May be you can do without medicines.
The life journeys on smooth sail despite turmoils. Your work blossoms out aesthetically. You just don't help your own self. You benefit others too by your mere presence.
May there be Peace, Bliss.
Om Shanthi.