Monday, June 10, 2024

சித்த சுத்தி

சித்த சுத்தி

Across the volumes of தெய்வத்தின் குரல், you will find Maha Swami using the term, viz., சித்த சுத்தி.

எங்கள் ஊர் சிவாலயத்தில் வெகு காலம் ராஜ கோபுரம் இல்லை.  Maha Swami when He visited our place, He didn't enter the temple but stayed in a nearby House.  And Explained about the significance of having a Raja Gopuram.  And how high it should be and visible even at a far away distance.  வெகு தூரத்திலிருந்து ராஜ கோபுரத்தைக் காண்கின்ற க்ஷனமே, மனம் முழுதும் அதில் லயித்து ஒன்றிப் போய் விடும்.  அவ்வாறு லயித்து இருக்கும் வேளை மனம் முழுதும் பரிசுத்தமாய் பேரானந்த மன அமைதியில் ஆழ்ந்து விடும்.  It's not just that moment.  The vibe continues throughout.

When you do the saavasan, the corpse posture after your Yoga practice you get inexplicable peace.  So do you find yourself absolutely one with what you do you love doing and are passionate about doing it. Like a singer singing, an artist drawing on a canvas, et al.

Is doing Yoga sufficient,
Or having a Darsn of Raja Gopuram enough,
Or doing what you love doing and are passionate about doing would do?

Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi draws your attention to sloka 11, விவேக சூடாமணி.:

चित्तस्य शुद्धये कर्म न तु वस्तूपलब्धये ।
वस्तुसिद्धिर्विचारेण न किंचित्कर्मकोटिभिः ॥ ११ ॥

cittasya śuddhaye karma na tu vastūpalabdhaye |
vastusiddhirvicāreṇa na kiṃcitkarmakoṭibhiḥ || 11 

Before reading Bhagavan's erudite elucidation, let's see what Adhi Sankaracharyar conveys in the above verse:

"Work leads to purification of the mind, not to perception of the Reality. The realisation of Truth is brought about by discrimination and not in the least by ten million of acts."

Over to Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's commentary of the above verse:

கர்மங்கள் சித்த சுத்திக்காக ஏற்பட்டனவேயன்றி வஸ்துவை அறிதற்கு அன்று. வஸ்து ஞானம் விசாரத்தால் அன்றிக் கோடி கர்மங்களாலும் சித்திக்காது.

By வஸ்து, Bhagavan refers to the Reality, the Truth. He insists on விசாரா, I.e., enquiry way to reach that Truth, that's state of getting Enlightened, ஞானம் அடைதல்.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

ரமண மந்திரம் - The Bodhi at Madurai

ரமண மந்திரம் - The Bodhi at Madurai

வயது 16.
மதுரையில் பள்ளிப் படிப்பு.
Hale and hearty.
Sudden fear about death.
No idea to consult about this with anyone.
He just started to enquire 
What was it to die?
Thus began His jnana vichara,
Who am I.
What's it dying.
Was  it the body?
If death is to body,
Then am I my body?
Despite the Rigor Mortis,
He felt a force beyond.
That very moment,
He could gauge
I am not the body,
But A Spirit
All the fear of death 

The ரமண மந்திரம்
Opposite to Southern Tower
Of Meenakshi temple 
In a narrow lane,
By name
Chockappa Naicker Street 
Was where 
The Bhagavan had His

It was from here
He set out on His
Mission Arunachala -
In 1896.

Om Namo Ramanaya.

Thursday, June 6, 2024



Should it be mechanical?
If that was so, is it surrender, Bhakthi?
Can one gauge one's surrender?
The answer is
Surrender here isn't 
In the sense of mindless slavery.
It's a journey towards Transcendence,
Where you have 
No Worldly
No Maya,
No Dukha
No Sukha
No Needs
But complete Bliss.

This time and all the time,
Here is a timeless eternal 
From Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi Himself:

"Think of God,
Attachments will gradually drop away.
If you wait till all desires disappear 
Before starting your devotion and prayer,
You will have to wait for a very long 
Time indeed."

Monday, June 3, 2024

Are you progressing? - Spiritually...

How do you measure?

விரும்பும் நற் செயலில் 
ஈடுபடும் சமயங்களிலும்,
மலர் செடிக்கோ,
நட்ட மரங்களுக்கோ 
நீரிடும் பொழுதும்,
யாதும் செய்யாது
கண்கள் மூடித்
ஒவ்வொரு நொடிப் 
மனித சக்தியை
மீறிய தெய்வீக
ஆன்ம அனுபவத்தை
யாவரும் உணரலாம்.
அவ்வுணர்வு ஓர் 
சங்கிலித் தொடர்.
ஒரு முறை 
துளியேனும் உணர்ந்து
விட்டால் போதும்.
பின் எல்லாம்,
' தீக்குள் விரலை வைத்தால் நந்தலாலா, நின்னைத் தீண்டும் இன்பம் தோன்றுதடா'

The wrap quote :

"Meditation is not evasion, it is a serene encounter with reality."

 ― Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, May 31, 2024

The teaching of Yoga - Gitopadesh

The teaching of Yoga - Gitopadesh

போர்க்களத்தில் போதனைகள் சாத்தியமா?
வினவுவது மெத்தத் தெரிந்த 
 'பகுத்தறிவுகள் '.  என்ன பகுத்தறிவோ?
போகட்டும் விடுங்கள்.

There is a saying. "When the student is ready, the Teacher will appear".  Telepathy sets in and the student is all tuned to receive the message light or profound. So , it's not the சூழல்கள்.

So, in sanguine battlefield too one can remain equipoised and yet carry out Dharma of fighting the evil. Not necessary that you need a deep cave, a pristine forest setting to do the 'tapas'.

The wrap:

"Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.” 

– Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Thursday, May 30, 2024


Khali Gibran was very blunt when he said,

"Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man's hunger.".

Ruthless it may look.
But hard reality is one can do wholeheartedly only what one loves, is passionate about doing. That's the core capability which one has to find out.

Bhagavad Gita 3.35:
श्रेयान्स्वधर्मो विगुण: परधर्मात्स्वनुष्ठितात् |
स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेय: परधर्मो भयावह: || 35||

śhreyān swa-dharmo viguṇaḥ para-dharmāt sv-anuṣhṭhitāt
swa-dharme nidhanaṁ śhreyaḥ para-dharmo bhayāvahaḥ.

It is far better to perform one’s natural prescribed duty, though tinged with faults, than to perform another’s prescribed duty, though perfectly. 

In the course of explaining Swadharma, Gurudev Sri Sri says, 

" Any action that uplifts us is our Swadharma.
Dharma is that which holds the mind, intellect, memory and our inner soul together in harmony. Growth comes when we follow our swadharma. action that uplifts us is our Swadharma."

May you find bliss
In doing what you - not any illegitimate - feel like doing.

Have a blast.
Be happy.

Any action that uplifts us is our Swadharma.
Dharma is that which holds the mind, intellect, memory and our inner soul together in harmony. Growth comes when we follow our swadharma.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Rather a new
Dimension may emerge.

There may be
Occasions when 
We may be clueless.

Often, solution 
Emanates from intuition.
Soak in -
Be in dhyan
Once atleast 
In a day 
And enhance 
Intuitive capabilities.

As usual a quote:

That is what the intuition is for: it is the direct messenger of the soul.

- Clarissa Pinkola Estes